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#208355 Stadium pics not showing
Managed to find Wembley's own ID and changed the config file to reflect this, however it's still not showing up! I found Rapid's old stadium ID but not the new one, I tried to save it under the old ID, but I assume this is the reason why the new stadium pic isn't showing either?
#208181 Stadium pics not showing
#207849 Stadium pics not showing
I'm hoping someone can assist with another graphics problem I'm having. I have recently moved to a new stadium and wanted to add my own pic. I have downloaded a suitable pic, saved it as a png, changed the config file and saved it in the correct folder (did this for Wembley too). However it's not showing in the game. Any ideas?
#199240 Adding missing player pic RESOLVED
I downloaded a player faces megapack for FM13, expectedly there are a couple of the more obscure players missing, one in particular is Stoppila Sunzu who I signed on my Rapid Wien career. To try and solve the problem I sourced a pic of him, got his player ID from the game, saved the pic (file name was his ID) in the megapack folder and adjusted the config file. Unfortunately it's not showing up. I'll post some screenies when I get home from work, but initially does anyone have any ideas why it's not working? Could it be the pic size? I'm sure it's only 200x200 or something similar.
Edit: I've fixed it now, thanks.
#198768 FM13 kit help!!
#198581 FM13 kit help!!
#198020 FM13 kit help!!
I still have the problem of my Austria home shirt (austria_nat_1 on the second pic) not showing in the game. If the config file is ok then why isn't it showing?
#197956 FM13 kit help!!
In game screenie
Austria kits at the top right of the file.
However I have created kits for First Vienna, FAC Team fur Wien and Rapid Vienna, all show up without any problems!
#197913 SS' Susie Avatar's Kits
#197911 FM13 kit help!!
Default kits, no problem; they're there. I made some with SSD and only some of them are showing up. I changed the config file and made sure it was correct, but still only some of the ones I made are showing.
I did a little investigation and changed they year at the end of the config file line. This worked to a degree but, this is the confusing part, the ones that were showing before aren't now and vice versa!
Another example, I made some for Slavia Prague last night, all loaded into the kits folder, config file amended, and nothing, they don't show up. The Rapid Vienna ones I do each season, however, no problem!
That's my question, why do some show and some don't?!
Hope that reads a little better?!
#195030 Changing teams colours on commentary bar?
#195028 FM13 kit help!!
I know the OP is a bit of a mess but I'm not sure how to post thumbnails or links to photobucket properly.
As I said I'm happy to provide other screenshots
#195025 Changing teams colours on commentary bar?
I play on classic, using the 2D match screen. I want to change my team's third kit colours but obviously the colours on the commentary bar will stay the same. Is there a way of changing the colours of the commentary bar without having to go into the data editor? As I said I play on classic so I'm stuck if the only way is by updating them via the editor.
#194163 SS' Susie Avatar's Kits
Hi hammer9
I've changed my mind, sorry.
Style: SS
Name: Alar
Number: 33
Club: Rapid Wien
Home OR Away: Home
Year: 2014/15
Pics here http://fanshop.fanreport.com/oesterreich-175/adidas-sk-rapid-wien-heimtrikot-2013-2014-859.htm
#191730 FM13 kit help!!
#191725 SS' Susie Avatar's Kits
I'd be very grateful if you could do this one for me?
Style: SS
Name: Alar
Number: 33
Club: Rapid Wien
Home OR Away: Home
Year: 12/13 if possible?
Many thanks
#191714 FM13 kit help!!
I have been creating my own kits using SSD and have successfully added *some* of them to FM13. I'll try to explain as best I can!
I created some for Rapid Vienna and dropped them into an existing German/Austrian kit folder and replaced the existing ones....no problem with those appearing in the game. [IMG]http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag325/dave_long2/rapidkits_zps913c3352.jpg" alt="[URL=http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/dave_long2/media/rapidkits_zps913c3352.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag325/dave_long2/rapidkits_zps913c3352.jpg" />[/img]
I had already downloaded the ss'12-'13 megapack and noticed that some are not showing in the game. For instance Austria....The home kit doesn't show, the away does and so does the third - I created the third! [IMG]http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag325/dave_long2/austriakits_zps97d4b898.jpg" alt="[URL=http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/dave_long2/media/austriakits_zps97d4b898.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag325/dave_long2/austriakits_zps97d4b898.jpg" />[/img] So I created a home and third kit and added it to the Europe sub folder of the main ss'12-'13 folder - replacing the originals AND amending the config file [IMG]http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag325/dave_long2/austrianew_zps76775a76.jpg" alt="[URL=http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/dave_long2/media/austrianew_zps76775a76.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag325/dave_long2/austrianew_zps76775a76.jpg" />[/img].....But no joy, it's still the same. Why are some showing (Rapid and the Austrian third) and some not (Austria home)? I have the same problem with the England kits, they were in the original download and they're not showing either!
I hope that makes sense?! I am happy to provide other screenshots if necessary.
Thank you.