batiron - Comments

#384442 Backgrounds Megapack Support
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
Hello mate, i no longed make backgrounds but this can be done manually by yourself. Just find the picture you would like to use and then open up the editor and find the ID number of the stadium and change add the line of text to the config file in the Premier League folder. Just copy the same text from one of the other lines in the file but change the numbered part to that of the new stadium ID number and also rename the picture to the ID number as well. Note the stadium ID is usually different to the team ID. Then reload skin and untick cache in preferences and it should show.

Sorry i cant be a little more helpful with the instructions but am at work!

<record from="XXXX" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/XXXX/stadium"/>

You need to change the bolded part to the stadiums ID number, so best to find Upton Parks ID number and just change that to the Olympic Stadiums number.

I am also using the in game editor and found out that the resolution of the `Mini Stadium` photos on the right are ALL significantly lower than the city photos, is there any megapack to fix this so that I can get the same resolution as the city photos???
#384373 Backgrounds Megapack Support
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
I just downloaded the DS8 Backgrounds Maga Pack. It`s awesome!!!
#384218 FM 2017 FLUT skin white - Final Version
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
Hi. I don't know why it happens, however, you can try a "trick" (I don't know if it will works...).
Go to player overview panel.xml and change

cosA; cosY; cosZ; cosQ; cosJ; cos7; cos5; cosS; cos3; cosT


cos2; cos4; cos6; cos8; cos9; cosX; cosB; cosC; cosD; cosE

exit the game and reload it.

Thx for the quick reply. I am going to try it out after going back home tonight.
Personally, I really like your design of the team profile with a City Picture on the left and 2 rotating Stadium Pictures on the right in the WHITE Version & the Player Profile`s layout design of the Dark Version.
Is it possible to use White version`s Team Profile and Dark version`s Player Profile at the same time? If no, is there another version which a Team Profile with a City Picture on the left and 2 rotating Stadium Pictures on the right?
#384216 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
Is this download compatible with the `PLAY FM17 WITH REAL FIXTURES & RESULTS`??? Or we can only choose one????
#384213 FM 2017 FLUT skin white - Final Version
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
Hi batiron:
That "problem" is weird since there is a different default panel for each one of the boxes (and also the code is done in order to save the last choice you did for each panel). Try to keep only this skin in the skins folder, clean the cache and reload the game.

Thank you for your advice first, Flut
After seeing your reply, I switched to your DARK version to test if anything goes wrong. It turned out that the player profile works totally fine with all boxes providing different information. However, when I switched back to the WHITE version once again, the same problem occurred... Both application of WHITE & DARK got exactly the same process........
p.s. I am keeping only one skin in the skins folder along with the xml file.
#384106 Error occurs when applying the Custom Football Manager Start Date in the DATA BASE! HELP!!
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
I downloaded and added all the 7 xml files from `Play FM2017 with real fixture and results` to `editor data`. While it started processing, there is a fatal ERROR popped up saying

`Warning; Could not process rule group settings in C;User/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2017/editor data/ Real Fixtures- England - FM2017.xml
Premier League - 20 teams from this division should have fixtures set, only 17 team found`

I can play the Premier League without any problem (with all 20 top fight teams!) before adding this add-on, why it says there are 3 teams missing?????
#384045 Can I use my cutout face photo instead of the digital one as the manager?
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
I found out that I like my real face on the screen more than the digital one made based on it.
Is there a way to use my own cutout photo which I used in FM15?
#384044 How to check if the `ability` of the star players are UP TO DATE???
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
Player attributes and CA/PA levels are subjective, and your best bet is to edit them yourselves using the pre-game editor.

Thx for reply. Is players` ability being reviewed & changed every year by SI?
#384001 How to check if the `ability` of the star players are UP TO DATE???
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
I found out that Mbappe and Alexis Sanchez`s ability are lower than most people think in FM17 . I have downloaded everything in FM2017 Essentials, but seems like there Is nothing to download for the update of players` current ability...Any brother could kindly tell me about that????? I will appreciate it if there is something to download for it
#383995 FM 2017 FLUT skin white - Final Version
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
There are so many `biography` of every player after applying this white skin How can I fix it in order to show most of the information (chart,transfer history, etc...)??
#383780 FMC/FMT Stadium Superpack for FM17 [New pack released for FM17]
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
I would like to know if there is any CITY VIEWS pack? Iam using the FLUT Skin white, the stadium photo is on the right while there is nothing shown on the left hand side where should be showing city view. Like London...
#383722 Any City views` pack for FM17`s FLUTSKIN?
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
Is there Any City views` pack available for download and fit the FM17`s FLUTSKIN?
#382311 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
I am considering to buy FM17, and I have downloaded FM15 `s one with around 159,000 faces 2 years ago.
Since there is over 170,000 faces now, can I just download the `latest change` file to get the remaining faces, or I must download all from scratch?

Thank you
#303676 Is it normal to get serious injury (3-4 months for recovery) during training?
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
Thx every bros~~ seems FM is a very realistic simulation game.. I think the only way to get rid of injury is to RELOAD the game when I am told my key player have to sideline for 4-5 months....
#303354 Bruised head injury
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
nope...they're always out for 5-6 days

I only started playing with Arsenal, Giound got his head bruised during a match and outed for 5-6 days....injury is too often
#303353 Is it normal to get serious injury (3-4 months for recovery) during training?
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
I m managing Arsenal, Santi Carzola (with condition and sharpness both>90%)suddenly got injuried during training after the beginning of the 1st season and predicted to be sidelined for 3-4 months....
Don`t you think it s totally ridiculous? It is acceptable that players could get serious injury during matches, but not during normal bloody training!!!?? so frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#302167 Is it possible to change my manager photo during the season without starting a new game?
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
I got a better photo for my manager profile, can I change it in a SAVED GAME?
Or I can only use the photo by starting a new game??
#301980 FM 2016 Ad Board Patch - Released on 10/12/2015
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
That ad boards are too awesome!!! THX!!!
#301796 Formations Of Yesteryear
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
Where should I put the downloaded FMF file ???
#301794 Is it normal to lose 0-5 at half time by using Arsenal against a League 1 team?
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
Thank you for all the advice!!!
I found out the major factor afftecting performance is `fitness & Sharpness` . I tried to put players with good condition in the next friendly game against Chelsea, though it lost 4-3, performance improved drastically!
#301793 FM 2016 FLUT skin v2.3
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
HI @batiron: Thanks. Yes, you can use your own pictures. You can use jpg (be carefully because if is JPG – with capitals – the game don’t read it) or png. The size could be, for instance 800x600 but you can try several sizes in order to find the best ratio (widthXheight).

Thx! But how and where can I locate the specific photo? It should come with a number in a file or something??
#301634 FM 2016 FLUT skin v2.3
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
Olá rodrigo lo turco: A DF11 1.3 está ajustada para utilização de facepacks tipo DF11. É a única diferença.

Hi hilariaomatavitorino: could you please put a screenshot?

Hi Flut. Can I change the city graphic (photo) with my own?? If yes, what is the necessary format (JPEG?) and size???
Your Skin is simply amazing! Thank you!
#301096 Why big club like Arsenal played like amateur & being trashed like this??
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
I played my first friend match by using Arsenal the second time. (the 1st time I lost 5-0). The second time 2-0.
Arsenal players got no energy to run, gave away possession easily, passed the ball to no where (to the sidelines...) and created nearly no chance...against a MLS team。

I had already set every players `position accordingly and adjusted instructions properly. The moves of Arsenal Players looked like a bunch of idiots with no juice when compare to their opponent... The only thing I can think of is I did not undergo any training before this match (only this friendly match is set before the Community Shield & league match begin)...I just wonder what is going wrong with the game?? Their performance was too horrible..What should I do??? PLEASE kindly give me some advice
#300817 How to make a direct free-kick?
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
I can not find anything that I can command my selected player to have a direct free-kick instead of crossing or passing the ball... Is there a command that allow me to do so?
#300252 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
It seems that the cut-out faces megapack cover most of the players with150,000 photos while DF11 got around 80,000 but it has bigger photo`s size.
Can I use DF11 as the base, and use the cutout facepack to cover the remaining 70,000 photos? (like staff & assistant manager`s photo?)
#300099 Is it normal to lose 0-5 at half time by using Arsenal against a League 1 team?
10 years ago
2 weeks ago

Yes, it is... Is there a setting which I can lower the game difficulty???
How could this happen????...
#300061 ALL Faces disappeared after applying `Latest change`..HELP
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
I ve already downloaded the complete pack. After I downloaded the `Latest change` and applied (I created a new folder with all the updated faces under folder `face`, so there are 2 `config` files)it, ALL the faces in the game suddenly disappeared... Must I put all the content under only 1 folder instead of creating a new one???
#299983 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
The complete pack has already downloaded and applied. After I applied the `Latest Changes` by creating a sub-folder under the folder faces (There become 2 `config` folders exsist), ALL the faces disappeared.... Tried to save and load a game but still no faces ....Any one know how to fix it???
#299920 Is it normal to lose 0-5 at half time by using Arsenal against a League 1 team?
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
I got my FM16 yesterday and chose Arsenal to manage. As I only wanted to have a quick look at the match engine, I skipped every preparation and started the very first warm-up match. Arsenal had already lost 0-5 in half time with NO shoot on target against a League1 team (I can't even remember it's name) ...Before starting the match, I got no training, no team talks, all players are auto-assigned, and no tactics are created.

It is very hard to believe one of the top teams can be so dominated by a weak team like that... Would somebody tell me if it is normal?
#299781 What should I download in order to play with the real fixtures of Premier League?
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
Should I download anything in order to get the real fixtures of the Premier League??