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#384442 Backgrounds Megapack Support
I am also using the in game editor and found out that the resolution of the `Mini Stadium` photos on the right are ALL significantly lower than the city photos, is there any megapack to fix this so that I can get the same resolution as the city photos???
#384373 Backgrounds Megapack Support
#384218 FM 2017 FLUT skin white - Final Version
Thx for the quick reply. I am going to try it out after going back home tonight.
Personally, I really like your design of the team profile with a City Picture on the left and 2 rotating Stadium Pictures on the right in the WHITE Version & the Player Profile`s layout design of the Dark Version.
Is it possible to use White version`s Team Profile and Dark version`s Player Profile at the same time? If no, is there another version which a Team Profile with a City Picture on the left and 2 rotating Stadium Pictures on the right?
#384216 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
#384213 FM 2017 FLUT skin white - Final Version
Thank you for your advice first, Flut
After seeing your reply, I switched to your DARK version to test if anything goes wrong. It turned out that the player profile works totally fine with all boxes providing different information. However, when I switched back to the WHITE version once again, the same problem occurred...
p.s. I am keeping only one skin in the skins folder along with the xml file.
#384106 Error occurs when applying the Custom Football Manager Start Date in the DATA BASE! HELP!!
`Warning; Could not process rule group settings in C;User/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2017/editor data/sortitoutsi.net Real Fixtures- England - FM2017.xml
Premier League - 20 teams from this division should have fixtures set, only 17 team found`
I can play the Premier League without any problem (with all 20 top fight teams!) before adding this add-on, why it says there are 3 teams missing?????
#384045 Can I use my cutout face photo instead of the digital one as the manager?
Is there a way to use my own cutout photo which I used in FM15?
#384044 How to check if the `ability` of the star players are UP TO DATE???
Thx for reply. Is players` ability being reviewed & changed every year by SI?
#384001 How to check if the `ability` of the star players are UP TO DATE???
#383995 FM 2017 FLUT skin white - Final Version
#383780 FMC/FMT Stadium Superpack for FM17 [New pack released for FM17]
#383722 Any City views` pack for FM17`s FLUTSKIN?
#382311 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Since there is over 170,000 faces now, can I just download the `latest change` file to get the remaining faces, or I must download all from scratch?
Thank you
#303676 Is it normal to get serious injury (3-4 months for recovery) during training?
#303354 Bruised head injury
I only started playing with Arsenal, Giound got his head bruised during a match and outed for 5-6 days....injury is too often
#303353 Is it normal to get serious injury (3-4 months for recovery) during training?
Don`t you think it s totally ridiculous? It is acceptable that players could get serious injury during matches, but not during normal bloody training!!!?? so frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#302167 Is it possible to change my manager photo during the season without starting a new game?
Or I can only use the photo by starting a new game??
#301980 FM 2016 Ad Board Patch - Released on 10/12/2015
#301796 Formations Of Yesteryear
#301794 Is it normal to lose 0-5 at half time by using Arsenal against a League 1 team?
I found out the major factor afftecting performance is `fitness & Sharpness` . I tried to put players with good condition in the next friendly game against Chelsea, though it lost 4-3, performance improved drastically!
#301793 FM 2016 FLUT skin v2.3
Thx! But how and where can I locate the specific photo? It should come with a number in a file or something??
#301634 FM 2016 FLUT skin v2.3
Hi Flut. Can I change the city graphic (photo) with my own?? If yes, what is the necessary format (JPEG?) and size???
Your Skin is simply amazing! Thank you!
#301096 Why big club like Arsenal played like amateur & being trashed like this??
Arsenal players got no energy to run, gave away possession easily, passed the ball to no where (to the sidelines...) and created nearly no chance...against a MLS team。
I had already set every players `position accordingly and adjusted instructions properly. The moves of Arsenal Players looked like a bunch of idiots with no juice when compare to their opponent... The only thing I can think of is I did not undergo any training before this match (only this friendly match is set before the Community Shield & league match begin)...I just wonder what is going wrong with the game?? Their performance was too horrible..What should I do??? PLEASE kindly give me some advice
#300817 How to make a direct free-kick?
#300252 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
Can I use DF11 as the base, and use the cutout facepack to cover the remaining 70,000 photos? (like staff & assistant manager`s photo?)
#300099 Is it normal to lose 0-5 at half time by using Arsenal against a League 1 team?
Yes, it is...
How could this happen????...
#300061 ALL Faces disappeared after applying `Latest change`..HELP
#299983 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
#299920 Is it normal to lose 0-5 at half time by using Arsenal against a League 1 team?
It is very hard to believe one of the top teams can be so dominated by a weak team like that... Would somebody tell me if it is normal?
#299781 What should I download in order to play with the real fixtures of Premier League?