Razor940 - Comments

#778259 Marco Bruhn
9 years ago
2 months ago
By mons 23 March 2024 - 07:19 AM UTC 

@Razor940 Good cut, but please remember that we want all cuts to include a little bit of collar. At the same time, the ideal cut only contains 2-3 pixels beneath the chin. Since in some sources like this one, the person in the image may have a longer neck than usual, this would be quite difficult to achieve naturally.


I'll fix this one myself, but please keep it in mind for any future cuts you may do 👍


Here's a video of the process on how to nudge the collar upwards:



Thank you. Another question, how to deal when the hair is to big for de frame?

#762334 Better Crowd Colours
9 years ago
2 months ago
By bartdude 14 November 2023 - 17:13 PM UTC 



Does this mod adapt to every crowd?

#761911 FM24 Boot Selector
9 years ago
2 months ago

We can only have 5 boots?