pips - Comments

#227121 Moving Profile between OSX/Win machines?
10 years ago
9 years ago
So I moved my saved game from the original Windows machine to my OSX laptop so I can play here and there when travelling or just sitting on the couch or laying in bed. As my Win machine is a lot more powerful, sometimes I would like to play on the Win machine while doing other things etc..

Is it possible to go back and forth between the two machines or am I risking corrupting the file?
#222336 FM2015 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.0 for FM15.3.0 [25/02/2015]
10 years ago
9 years ago
Yes it should work and there is no real need to release a new version of this file on this occasion since the hotfix does not modify the files which regulate this download

Awesome! Thanks for the quick feedback
#216507 FM2015 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.0 for FM15.3.0 [25/02/2015]
10 years ago
9 years ago
I appreciate your worries, and I guess it could be worded a bit better, but thankfully your concern is unfounded

In a nutshell, what happens sometimes in cases where there are updates is that Steam recreates the licensing files which regulate the appearance of the German national team and some other minor issues such as the display of player faces in the French and Dutch national teams. Club name changes are NOT affected, so you do not need to start a new game, only to replace the lnc files basically. For the sake of simplicity, and also because I continually update my own files, I release a new version of this download every time a Steam update is released which recreates these files, so that they do not affect your game.

Awesome! Thanks for replying so quickly!
#216390 FM2015 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.0 for FM15.3.0 [25/02/2015]
10 years ago
9 years ago
So I just bought the game from Steam and this is my first FM game so please bare with me All the instructions seem really easy and I appreciate all the hard work everyone puts into this community... So here's my question that's probably been answered already!! (can't seem to find a good answer though):

With the real names patch.. from my understanding is that once you apply the files, you'll need to create a new game which makes 100% sense.. Now the other thing that I'm reading is that when there's an update, you'll need to re-apply the patch again as Steam replaces all the files which of course makes 100% sense.. Now, this is what's confusing me.. How is someone supposed to play a really long game if he's using the real names and the game is constantly updated.. Do I need to start a brand new game every single time and start all over? If you want to stick to the long game, it sorta doesn't make sense you use the real names because you'll have to start all over

Thanks again, much appreciated!