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#276198 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
Excellent skin - always my go-to.
Question - is there a way to reduce the font size for the players attributes? When looking at recently scouted players, there isn't enough room to show a range when in double digits. e.g. 11-14. The 14 will be cut off. Please see sample screen shot below.
Thanks in advance!
Resolution 1920x1080.
Skin V2.1
#253411 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
Hi - just wanted to chime in and say that deleting the tactics folder fixed the problem for me as well.
I deleted the folder (well, moved it to desktop), restarted the game (so the game will re-create the tactics folder), and problem is fixed.
To be safe I only moved over the 3 tactics files I'm using now back to the newly created folder, but so far, so good.
#232645 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
Sorry. Move Files = Move folders. I unzipped them, and copied them over to the skins folder.
#232625 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
Hi, no - PC Windows 7.
EDIT - played around with it a bit - it *may* have to do with the Small sidebar skin.
Loaded up the game w/o moving the folders over. Loads up fine - while in game, I move the folders over - exit out of the preferences and go back to see the skin options. When I choose the small sidebar, the game just turns to a black screen (but I can still move my mouse around). I have to force exit and remove the folders / reload game.
When I do the same process, but choose the regular Scorpio skin - it works absolutely fine. Using 1.8, "regular" Scorpio skin and it is working with out issues so far. I then re-chose the small sidebar skin again, same issue. Black screen. Hope this helps - let me know if I can provide any more info.
#232612 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
Deleted 1.8 and the game works fine. 1.7 works fine as well.
#228415 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
It shows the formations, however where the players names should be - it's just a blank black box.
Any ideas? This is for all 3 versions (Scorpio, DF11 and Small Sidebar)
Edit: Uploaded screenshot of a random team in my league: https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/V12d1VkEGNLJPg7yrJHsmGwpWelVqlDm6QH94qyM.jpg
It's the same for every team....