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#256414 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
is it possible to get rid of these background colours behind the club logos on the club profile page (see picture below)? This skin is great btw., it is my favourite this year! Thank you for your support!
#254821 FMC/FMT Stadium Superpack for FM17 [New pack released for FM17]
#254808 FMC/FMT Stadium Superpack for FM17 [New pack released for FM17]
Nevertheless, the stadiums show up correctly ingame. Why is that? When I try to add new stadium pics to your file using the IDs I can see ingame, it does not work. Maybe you can help me further..
#254793 STEVE85/FMN85 2015 Transfer Update + Level 11 English leagues
#254791 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
I use your skin and I like it a lot. But I have a problem: When I use background pictures that I have created for some lower league clubs, they are not shown correctly. Sometimes the new background picture shows up on the club information page but whenever I click on on the squard page for example or on the player information page, the background won't show up any longer. In other cases it is just the opposite. Then the correct background picture shows up on the squard or transfer or player info page but not on the club information page. Has that someting to do with the skin? Do I have to change something in the settings? Or is this an issue of the backgrounds that I use?
Would be great, if you could provide me with some information about this. Thank you!
#236629 Logos don't show up in the game
On the first page of the ingame settings I had to change the path of where the saved game is located to E:\Savegames\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015. Seems this has to be identical to the location of the installation folder of the logos. Afterwards it worked!
#236620 Logos don't show up in the game
This is my installation folder:
E:\Savegames\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\graphics\pictures\logos\metallic logos
Hope you can help me getting this great file working. Thank you and best wishes!