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Deleted Account #706250
#623921 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
Fantastic logos. Thank for your work.
Do you think in future prepare some update files ?
#569899 FMV Logos
#552967 FMV Logos
This is an example
#552617 FMV Logos
#503394 Dark Is Actually Dark FM20 Skin
In this skin is there istant result button ?
#501191 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
Is the metallic_logos_fm2020_v1_changes file already included in the full pack ?
#454768 Goal Net for FM 19
#426322 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Home Thread - 2025.03 OUT NOW [19/02/2025]
I've tried to download the upgrade filed from 27 till 31 but unfortunally in not possible due to the link does not appear.
See image below.
#409757 Fidney's Chalkboard Backgrounds for FM2018
#409225 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
I have had the same problem after FM18 ADBoard Patch V1.0.
I've tried to uninstall it (delete all file regarding that patch), but unfortunally has remained the same problem.
I've solved all after a complete FM18 uninstall game and reinstall (steam program included)
#409134 Fidney's Chalkboard Backgrounds for FM2018
#318591 Switzerland - Raiffeisen Super League 3D'2015/16 New! (23/02/16)
#301519 Andromeda Skin
tks for great work regarding your skin.
Then i'm writing because there is a minor problem, the penalty list after extra time it is not visible and it is not possible to modify
#297337 Spain - Tercera Div Grupo VII SS'2015/16 by vegeta28 Relink! (18/11/15)
#297336 Spain - Segunda B Grupo III SS'2015/16 Relink! (18/11/15)
#295578 Germany - Regionalliga Nordost (4th tier) SS'2015-16 (Update! V1.2 10/11/15)
#256593 England - Championship 3D'2014/15 Relink! (12/05/15)
#250393 Main Menu Backgrounds
Do you think is possible prepare something for Dundee United ?
#250085 Main Menu Backgrounds
Tks in advance