jordankeane1 - Comments

#790057 Transfer spending
9 years ago
1 month ago

Hi, so im a little confused, I'm currently six seasons into an online save with a friend!  He is Aston villa i am crystal Palace,  But his spending has me baffled! He has so far spent nearly 6 BILLION on players and only sold 1.5 billion! I know he is simply doing structured deals, such as 30 mill upfront and 350m in installments  on every transfer. But so far this has had no ramifications at all, in fact the club just randomly seem to give him extra money here and there and never take anything off him,  and every season he gets at least 70 mill budget! He was projected to fail ffp this season by over 1 billion, however, his club got bought out, and now it's all fine,  where is the sense in this,  surely there has to be something that will eventually happen? It's just completely unrealistic and takes a lot of the skill in the game away. 

#498929 Membership auto renewal
9 years ago
1 month ago
Hi I can’t seem to find any contact details so I’m forced to write this here, last year I bought fm 2019 from you and I must have clicked the membership option too, now I never realized this was an automatic yearly renewal, please tell me what do I get with this? Is it relevant to fm 20?