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#689829 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Hi Flut,
I followed your advice, but it has not solved the issue. But the issue is not
that big. Thx a lot for doing a great job. Keep on trucking! :-)
#689734 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Hi Flut,
thank you so much for your fabulous work again, creating another FM-skin. You are the best,
in my opinion! :-)
But I hove got one little issue!
Every time I leave the tactics screen, the positioning of the players get mixed up, when I
enter the tactics screen again. I hope you get what I mean. Maybe you have an advice, what to do.
Thy a lot in advance!
#635535 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Dear Flut,
thank you so much for your great work. What would FM be without your fantastic skin?
Stay healthy!!!
Greetings from Germany!!!
#619098 Nocturno Nature FM21 skin ver. beta 1.0
thx a lot, mate!!1
#619048 Nocturno Nature FM21 skin ver. beta 1.0
I am missing the file…sorry
#618922 Nocturno Nature FM21 skin ver. beta 1.0
I like the skin very much. Though I have got the same issue as above.
Could you send me the message too?
Thx in advance!
#613408 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
You`re welcom! Keep enjoying the game! Greetings from Germany
#613236 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
You just have to press the backspace button on your keyboard to go back to team talk!!!
#610670 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
thx a lot for the update 5.0. In my opinion your skin is now perfect to enjoy playing FM21! :-)
#609372 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Thaks a lot, Flut. You are the best!!! :-)
#609180 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
as I said earlier, your skin is so great. Thx a lot to you.
I have one little question. In player overview is there a possibility to highlight the chosen player in the comparison panel?
#608977 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
since years I am using your skins. Every year I am astonished that you further on take part of making FM enjoyable to play it.
I really want to thank you for your wonderful work and efforts.
I wish you all the best for the New Year 2021.
Please, keep healthy!
#563504 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
I made the same experience as you mentioned. In V7.2 that was, but neither in V 6 nor in 6.9 so far in my saves.
#563280 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
Thanks for the reply. Imo I the keepers seem to be overpowered now. They show astonishing reactions, so in Swedish premier league as in EPL,
where I am playing a save at the moment. The keepers dive and get nearly every shot on goal. Sorry for my English!
#563093 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
#562678 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
One thing I realized is that keepers are doing great saves and prevent best goalscoring opportunities.
#383082 FM 2017 FLUT skin dark - Final Version
thank you very much for your stunning skins. You are always helpful, when there is a problem.
I really hope you are doing your perfect work with the next FM 2018 again.
For now...thank you so much .
Greetings from Germany!
#365972 FM 2017 FLUT skin dark - Final Version
thank you so much for your support. Your skin makes the game now perfect for me!
#365823 FM 2017 FLUT skin dark - Final Version
here is the screenshot...you see the opposit Players. When i klick on a special player then the
player´s profile screen pops up, instaed of of folding up the Screen where i can set special instruction (like mark the Player etc).
In cfm skin it does for example. Hope you can help?
#365703 FM 2017 FLUT skin dark - Final Version
first of all let me thank you for the great work. You did a tremendous job with the dark Skin.
But I have a Little Problem. When I open the opponents instruction panel, the Panel for instructing
my tactics for each opposit player doesnt fold up. Do you have a suggestion how to correct this issue.
#341667 [FM 15] Found an error in our database?
#268572 FM Live Update Promotions & Relegations
1. Bundesliga: FC Ingolstadt > SC Freiburg
SV Darmstadt > SC Paderborn
2. Bundesliga: Arminia Bielefeld > Erzgebirge Aue
MSV Duisburg > VfR Aalen
3. Bundesliga: Werder Bremen II > Borussia Dortmund II
Würzbuger Kickers > SpVgg Unterhaching
1.FC Magdeburg > Jahn Regensburg
#253327 Suitable Skin for smaller Resolutions.
Hi mate,
thanks a lot for your support. Now everything works out fine for me.
Your skin is absolutely fantastic and makes the game really enjoyable.
All the best for you!!!
#252985 Suitable Skin for smaller Resolutions.
I downloaded your skin V5...and it`s great. Only one point to change is the very small scoreboard, copmpared
to your earlier versions. Maybe you could rearrange that.