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#775186 Leagues Megapack 2024 more 200 Leagues in the world by qwert2 and arabFM.net
Moke Kokic
Anyone has issues with new CL format? In my save in league phase Albania has more teams than England.
#749535 Data Update Home Thread
Moke Kokic
For me, Italy, Hong Kong and India league filesare flagged as duplicate.
Hong Kong and India duplicate relative to Dave's Around the Globe league files and Italy duplicate relative to Italian rules fix in Realism file pack by other Dave.
#749518 Troubleshooting Football Manager Data Update Installation - How to install Football Manager Databases
Moke Kokic
Anyone else having issues with game asking to choose only one league file…? I have Dave Around the Globe installed and some countries have red mark to indicate you should choose only one file. While others don't have that…
#749516 Data Update Home Thread
Moke Kokic
Anyone else having issues with game asking to choose only one league file…? I have Dave Around the Globe installed and some countries have red mark to indicate you should choose only one file. While others don't have that…
#262677 Increase font size?
Moke Kokic
Does anyone know how to increase font size in FM 2015? I'm playing on high resolution and while zoom in option in preferences does make it much more ''eye pleasing'' I would like to make fonts just a bit larger.
I've done this by editing xml files in previous FM games but can't seem to find this in FM 2015.