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#416186 Football Manager 2018 tactics guide
#412632 Football Manager 2018 tactics guide
Thanks for the kind words!
#412494 Football Manager 2018 tactics guide
This is a three part guide where each part will focus on different important aspects the game. I understand that this guide is massive and that it will be to long for some people. I’m okay with that, this guide is not for everybody. If you know that long guides is not for you, spear yourself some time and just skip this one.
If you are a experienced FM player who is face rolling your way through FM18 you will probably not learn much new from the guide, but you know what, the FM community is a great one so spread your knowledge in the comment section below, tell people about your best tips and tricks and let us know about the things in this guide that you don’t agree with and why, together we can all help each other to become better football managers.
Part one
What to do as a new manager, how do you use squad depth to learn about your teams strengths and weaknesses? How do you find a formation suitable for your team? How do you get the right instructions for that formation? What about mentality and team shape? And how do you get individual players to work even better by creating individual instructions for them?
Part two
How you prepare for match day, getting scouting reports about your next opponent and getting tactical advices from your and assistant manager. How do you change your tactic and formation based on that information to counter your opponents strengths and try to exploit their weaknesses? And of course are we going to take a look at the tactical briefing which is a new function in FM18.
Part three
This part will focus on match day, the team talk before the game starts, how to react to what is going in the game and make changes to your formation and tactics to respond to what's happening. How to use different tools in the game to analyze whats going on in the game and identify problems. How to talk to the team during half time and how to make does important game changing subs.
Bonus - How to develop and tutor young players to become world stars
A fourth bonus video, not really about tactics but on how to develop that young 5 star potential kid to reach his full potential and become a world star.