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#328477 I wish I was called this...
England has beaten France there as well. And he played cricket as well.
#327701 Red Bull Challenge
So Now for the second Half.
We started off with qualifying so pressure off!
Our backup goalie played due to an injury to the first choice, and he managed to score an own goal, but in the end it did not matter that much.
Soon though, we were brought back to goun
We had more shots and more possession, but lost.
Got the lead early, but soon our DM managed to get a second yellow, and that is two times in 7 matches. Guaru however doubled our lead in the second half and it became clear that our opposition would not profit from the man advantage
A salient feature of all my manegerial careers has been players moaning about playing time. At present I have 3 player promises to give playing time...
In the last match of the first stage, I made my team try tiki taka for the first time. Not too bad, but I amnot continuing it atleast now.
#327638 Red Bull Challenge
Guary is the only new signing I made, and he has already made his presence felt.
With one more win, we can qulify for the second stage.
#327637 Red Bull Challenge
So this new challenge starts in the lowest division of Brazil. in fact, in the year under consideration, Red Bull Brasil was not even a part of the national system, but got themselves promoted soon, and thus I has to use the editor. So here they Are:
I started in an European starting date, so half of the Brazillian season was over already.
Not bad, really, got defeated by a really good team. Now we had the main thing:The National season in Serie D.
And Here is the squad:
It is pretty good, let me see where they can get.
#327502 An Attempt at taking over the British isles
#326176 Ostbahner - Austrian Road to Glory
#326174 Boldklubben Frem- Fremtastic
#325902 Legends
#324341 In game editor question
#324340 In game editor question
#322575 Gendo, We're Coming For You - A Dan & Shedender BSC Succession Save
#321902 Gendo, We're Coming For You - A Dan & Shedender BSC Succession Save
#319584 My adventure with atletico de madrid
#318592 Al-Shamal - A Qatar Adventure
#318285 Keymer and Hassocks Football Club
I created this to have a bit of fun in India, so after implementing the file, i have a couple of high potential regens coming through at random clubs every year, irrespective of the level of facilities. With a dozen of clubs to choose from, I do not know which club they will turn up at, or what their names will be(unless I read the edt file)
The instructions above are just for creating name and club files. Once that is sorted out, the program is very simple. You select a country, select the PA and CA ranges and get an edt file. You place it in the edt folder in your game directory, select it in extra files and start a game. I hope that is clear?
It is not meant for many to download. I made it as a personal program, and then decided to share, just in case.
#317371 uyuguyguguu1
#316913 Succession Game Abroad // Folge Spiel
#314927 Fola's Indian Adventure
Look for players like Michael Chopra, Danny Batth, Vishnu Maharaj, Aman Verma etc. They have an Indian second Nationality and are much better than other Indians.
Also, I seem to see just 2 International players(Dida, Diouf) Who is the third. I hope you know that An australian will be allowed as the 4th "Asian" Foreigner?
EDIT: Okay, I missed Toonga, but the first point remains valid
#314143 Gendo, We're Coming For You - A Dan & Shedender BSC Succession Save
#313410 Fola's Indian Adventure
Also note that somewhere around 2025 Constantine will retire. You must grab the job then, or else, it goes to a ~40 year old newgen manager and you won't get it in the next couple of decades.
#312247 Facepacks Graphics
Send this file to someone who has the megapack as well as a good internet connection(I do not have the second). He will copy the text and place it in his searcbox of the megapack. this will segregate out BPL players. Copying it to a new folder and uploading it for you download will do.
You need a good friend for this though. Alternatively, just download some other facepack which does segragate players by league.
#312010 Weiry's Kit Request Thread
=>The number font slightly bigger
=>Details on the blue kit in white(it is that way in the real kit,so)
If not, Just don't take too much pain, they are already pretty good.
#311808 Weiry's Kit Request Thread
.(Sorry for being impatient)
#311784 A One Way Ticket to Asia ... and Beyond!
#311783 (No Longer a) Lower League Dream
Well, Boca are the most successful club in South America, So the domestic title is not really a challenge. We won it.
I never cared for the continental competitions though, having won them once Already. Time to move on...
#311641 A One Way Ticket to Asia ... and Beyond!
#311632 (No Longer a) Lower League Dream
Group Stages Update
We has Odds of 5000-1. We did better than that though:
Going forward was all, however, as Switzerland eliminated us in the next round.
#311607 (No Longer a) Lower League Dream
#311606 (No Longer a) Lower League Dream
Ok, only some of it. But I hope the rest of it doesn't matter.
Boca were expected to finish second, and the club wants me to challenge for the title.