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#661561 ALL Issues with premium membership including cancelling- post here[read the opening post before posting]
can someone of the team answer my email regarding my premium charge. I've canceled my membership and was still charged. On your PayPal account you wrote first to contact you before I file for a dispute. It's now two working days, no answer. PLEASE GET BACK TO ME ASAP OR I JUST DISPUTE THE CHARGE WITH MY BANK.
#651870 FM21 New Feature: Interactions
that's bad for such a small developer company. do you know if they sold more fm21 versions than the year before? I didnt buy fm21 because its the same damn game. I wont buy it this year as well. after buying every game from 2016-2020 I stopped supporting them……
#651868 FM21 New Feature: Interactions
Thats true no manager competitor out there !!! FM developer should involve the fans much more. Hopefully EA will comeback with an manger game …
#651858 FM21 New Feature: Interactions
What I don't understand is nobody I know likes to watch his games in 3D. The game is a manager simulation not FIFA. They don't even have the budget to create a realistic 3D game animation that can compete with FIFA OR PES. The core game features are great but if they really want to step to the next level they should go more in detail with the existing features. I would like to have more impact in creating/building an football facility (training ground like in Anstoss 3 etc). Also it would be much better and realistic if the football agents would have more impact; certain characters like Raiola & Zahavi, demanding transfer, more playing time etc. Agents are the most powerful actors in football and they have zero impact in FM. These features MUST be improved; scouting, transfers ai of the computer, fans (disliking you or your style of play), impact in selling merchandise or having more influence in creating new sources of income, going on a training camp in china has no impact to the jerseys sold etc. it just sucks seeing the new trailer and its basically the same.
#651856 FM21 New Feature: Interactions
fm didn't really improve since 2 years. all the new features are a big joke it's technically the same game as fm20. they should improve the transfers, market value of players and the tactics. its been now the same game since years. also they should improve the youth teams features in general.
#502859 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
#500525 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread