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#810421 Jimbo Skin (version 3.0.1)
Manuel Frembs
Hi Manager, how can I change this white text into Black? Which panel and where is this? It is only the half-time screen…
#764649 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Manuel Frembs
Thank you so much for this great skin!
I tried everything to hide the CA/PA, tried the attributeless skin too, which I really love! I know that there are alternative files - but it shows always the PA.
Do I have to purchase the Ingame-Editor? Can it solve the problem?
#713706 FM 23 Console on Laptop offline
Manuel Frembs
Hey Guys,
is it possible to play FM 23 Console Edition on Laptop offline, in the train for example?
I just can't get it to work.
#713705 FM Touch Apple Arcade
Manuel Frembs
Thank you man!
Is this only for the Logos? Or can I add Faces too?
Do I have to create a pictures folder?
Or can I create a graphics folder?