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#799935 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
Ollie Willerton
After downloading the new update, it seems that in my previous SS of the editor data file after installation appears to of duplicated a few of the files for some unknown reason. New update has only produced one of each file however 🙂.
#799934 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
Ollie Willerton
So on the previous screenshot I submitted, I was using Dynamic update 7 and replaced it with 2 to see if the same issue was happening but I haven't managed to check that as of yet. This is how my editor data file looked while having DU7 installed in there. (Obviously without DU2). I have seen you message about the dynamic PA file not being in the older update so I am going to install a fresh now with the latest update. Thanks.
#799876 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
Ollie Willerton
Also, why is Dulwich Hamlet in the premier league hahahaha
#799871 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
Ollie Willerton
So having installed the files into editor data, loading a brand new save doesn't seem to make any changes compared to the base game. Is the file layout for the basic update set out as it should after extracting the files or do some need to be changed / removed (except the dynamic files) for changes to be made? Thanks.
#550871 promotions and relegations
Ollie Willerton
Hi mate, would you be including the league promotions/relegation into the main Transfers data update package or will it come in a separate file? Cheers.
#549884 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Ollie Willerton
#502226 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
Ollie Willerton
#487983 Update to the Data Update download.
Ollie Willerton
#487944 Update to the Data Update download.
Ollie Willerton
#487903 Leroy Sané
Ollie Willerton