FM24 Real Name Fix
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Fantasy Football
#812181 FM24 in 25 LIVERPOOL Edition
Ok, am I able to inbox you over this?
#812178 FM24 in 25 LIVERPOOL Edition
Do you do other teams on request?
#811445 DoubleX Skin
windowed and 95%
#811388 DoubleX Skin
Is anyone having problems seeing the sidebar on the skin?
#809684 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Hi, brilliant work as always, just wondered are these and the other South American teams in a zip folder yet?
#789480 SS' kits Template Thread
yeah I didn't realise I could, sorted it now though
#789424 SS' kits Template Thread
Yeah I found them, brilliant work from him, only problem is sleeve logo is with all other logos so don't know how to separate it
#789259 SS' kits Template Thread
Is this the right area of the forum to ask if anyone has the sleeve patches for templating the shirts? I'd love the noon patch to put on my own made Newcastle shirts, or other patches for other teams or a guide on how to make the sleeve patches, any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks
#780958 Spain like England Ver. 1.0 - NEW VERSION
If you need a hand with giving it a go I will
#780371 Spain like England Ver. 1.0 - NEW VERSION
Do all leagues/cups have logos for them?
#759811 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Firstly appreciate and respect your work every year Mons, second is the EFL Trophy in line to be renamed in the next lot of upgrades to the folder?
#759426 Brazilian First Division Correct Names
I'm probably sounding thick here but this is only needed to be downloaded if someone doesn't use your file yeah?
#758405 FM 2024 Editor Problem Showing Default Kit Patterns
I've downloaded the editor this afternoon, started a bit of editing to find when you get to the kits it doesn't show the default or licensed kits in the editor is there a way to show them?
#754277 FC'12 Fantasy Kits Thread
Hi there, just wondering if anyone would be able to help, I used SS kits for fm23 but was wondering for fm24 is there anyone who can help turn my SS style custom kits into fc'12 style kits?
#736695 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Thank you
#736569 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Can someone please metallic logo this please, tv fans might know who's badge it is
#733183 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
can someone make these 2 logos metallic for me please
#733065 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Can anyone do the new ireland logo in metallic please
#732854 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Has anyone made the new Republic of Ireland logo metallic yet?
#732853 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
Could a badge maker create a modern logo for Liversedge if possible, if you need to inbox me over it that is ok also
#732831 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Could a metallic badge maker create a modern logo for Liversedge if possible, if you need to inbox me over it that is ok also
#732485 EPL 2023-24 new typeface
Has anyone tried to do the new English Premier League font for 23-24 onwards for the numbers in fm2023 like the numbers for this year and efl, la liga etc, if no one has tried could someone have a go, picture below for reference.
#732455 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
#732447 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Could someone also make this into a metallic logo for me please in the necessary sizes
#732446 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Thank you
#732444 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Has anyone made this version of the premier league logo in metallic?
#712409 Editor graphic problem
Hi there, when on the editor I'm getting no graphics as you can see in this screenshot, but getting graphics on the game so am really confused, any help would be appreciated
#708576 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
They look good, could I inbox and you help me if possible? I'm a novice at 3D kit making but really good as SS style and just want the style I've done in SS as 3D to make the game feel complete my end
#707816 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
These are my efforts for my teams I want customs of, I know there not the best try's even as a first go, could someone help me out with them please
#705717 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Do you take custom requests? I've made some SS style kits you see and want them in 3D style