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#495206 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 3D'2019-20 Relink! (23/10/19)
But one question.
http://prntscr.com/pa88oz Problem with Arsenal is now, that our last year away kit was dark, and thrid kit was light. And now it is opposite. Making many away games playing in same colors with home team.
So is there any very easy way to change new blue kit to 2nd kit, and yellow to third kit?
#495024 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 3D'2019-20 Relink! (23/10/19)
Yeah I got it working now. I just didn´t noticed first that you have to change every colour for every competition. And typical bug in the game, even that I chosed premier division, it changed to FA cup.
Now it looks fantastic, first game in blue shirts and numbers are beautiful yellow
#494994 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 3D'2019-20 Relink! (23/10/19)
If I go to "Edit kit details". And trying to change colors, it will change to old shirts.
Ok, I scroll a bit on this thread and saw that In-game editor part. I am about to start my second season now. So is there any way possible to make changes now in in-game editor? Or it only works when starting a new career?
#494976 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 3D'2019-20 Relink! (23/10/19)
Yellow shirt, there is blue numbers, not white.
Blue shirt has yellow numbers, not dark numbers.