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#490864 Totally random potential abilities
i have just mass-edited all players in the game ( i think, edited 5000 players for one step). But cuurent ability is still the same. So player with 180 CA will be 180-200 PA.
And if you want to edit it more detailed, you can give players negative PA, but you can't get players like 100 CA and 100-200 PA. Negative PA range is not so various like ''0''.
#475706 [FM] 19 New structured AFC Champions League, AFC Cup, AFC President's Cup (works on 19.1.0, 19.3.0 and higher)
Man, that files worked wrong for competitions that runs "autumn - spring/summer" system, games took teams that at the top just before ACL setup, but now all working great! Even FA Cups,
League Cups winners and back-ups qualify correctly.
#475694 [FM] 19 New structured AFC Champions League, AFC Cup, AFC President's Cup (works on 19.1.0, 19.3.0 and higher)
try now, man, is it works for you?
#475643 [FM] 19 New structured AFC Champions League, AFC Cup, AFC President's Cup (works on 19.1.0, 19.3.0 and higher)
just have finished new updated file ( all working correctly), will update thread soon.
#474916 [FM] 19 New structured AFC Champions League, AFC Cup, AFC President's Cup (works on 19.1.0, 19.3.0 and higher)
this is how the game will take teams properly without crashing the competition. And if champion will win FA cup too, game will take the next team in team pool.
Maaan, it took A LOT of test saves
made Wellington in editor last position 4 in A League and made first two teams ( winner and runner up of Grand final) be finalists of FFA cup and also be 1st and 2nd teams in Regulae Season,
so game took last team correctly.
#474680 [FM] 19 New structured AFC Champions League, AFC Cup, AFC President's Cup (works on 19.1.0, 19.3.0 and higher)
But for other nations it's easy to make it
#474675 [FM] 19 New structured AFC Champions League, AFC Cup, AFC President's Cup (works on 19.1.0, 19.3.0 and higher)
#474605 [FM] 19 New structured AFC Champions League, AFC Cup, AFC President's Cup (works on 19.1.0, 19.3.0 and higher)
hmmm yep it works, the game chooses teams from this list from up to down
so it will take some time to do all correctly, but it WORKS
#474604 [FM] 19 New structured AFC Champions League, AFC Cup, AFC President's Cup (works on 19.1.0, 19.3.0 and higher)
#474579 [FM] 19 New structured AFC Champions League, AFC Cup, AFC President's Cup (works on 19.1.0, 19.3.0 and higher)
for ex. after 8-9 mathdays in Australia it takes best 4 teams after these matches.
don't even know how make it work yet.
#474520 [FM] 19 New structured AFC Champions League, AFC Cup, AFC President's Cup (works on 19.1.0, 19.3.0 and higher)
thx for report, i'll try to fix this with updated database editor ( my version is 19.1.1).
#467997 [FM] 19 New structured AFC Champions League, AFC Cup, AFC President's Cup (works on 19.1.0, 19.3.0 and higher)
#463822 Totally random potential abilities