James Little - Comments

#420959 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
James Little
7 years ago
3 weeks ago
Moved your post to here as this is the right place for it

I'm not sure what the problem is. Can you be a bit more specific and mention a player's UID which isn't working for you?

Also, are you placing the new cut in the megapack folder? Are you modifying the config file so that the game can read the cut?

Thanks for moving it for me!
The issues I've noticed have been with Swansea and Ajax youth players. Such as Victor Jensen (27135741) and Jordan Garrick (28109988).
I was placing the new cut in the Megapack folder and haven't modified the config file, I'll try doing so, thank you!
#420880 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
James Little
7 years ago
3 weeks ago
Hi all,

Was wondering why certain player cut outs I downloaded aren't able to be applied in game. Literally every cut out is loaded bar the players that only feature in fm18 and none previously. I've cleared the cache and loaded the new skin countless times with slight changes but none of the mentioned ones are added.
Hopefully someone can help,