Danny Hackett - Comments

#386605 Alejandro Gómez
Danny Hackett
6 years ago
1 year ago
Is it possible to change Gomez current rep and his value and estimated cost? now he has these values incredibly low...
#386551 Alejandro Papu Gomez reputation and market value
Danny Hackett
6 years ago
1 year ago
Hi guys, i've downloaded the live update and i've noticed mistakes about Atalanta's captain Papu Gomez. Current reputation is only 850, but he has an home rep of 7000 and a world rep of 5750 so 850 is incredibly low. also value and estimated cost are incredibly low (760 and 780 pounds...). His real market value is about 13.5 millions pound. i tried to make changes but i couldn't do it...anyone can do it? thanks.