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#522040 FM19 Update Disabled(Thread has link to last stable working version )
Grzegorz Kopeć
#404575 (FM16+)Found an error in our database[Players+Staff Changes Only]
Grzegorz Kopeć
In last update for FM17 you forget to put Bruno Gaspar to Fiorentina i just wanna start new career and i don;t see him there. Can you fix this in update 23:00 ?
EDIT: My bad ! he's there, sorry for spam
#394550 (FM16+)Found an error in our database[Players+Staff Changes Only]
Grzegorz Kopeć
Thank You very much !
#394537 (FM16+)Found an error in our database[Players+Staff Changes Only]
Grzegorz Kopeć
#392250 New version of our data update, the most realistic ever: all players aged and contracts one year shorter
Grzegorz Kopeć
EDIT : I unistal all before patch and instal only actualy, and it's helped
#392249 Diogo Silva
Grzegorz Kopeć
#392248 Davinson Sánchez
Grzegorz Kopeć
#392247 Wankewai Rooney
Grzegorz Kopeć
#392246 Adel Taarabt
Grzegorz Kopeć
#392245 Pantaleo Corvino
Grzegorz Kopeć
#392244 Stuart Reddington
Grzegorz Kopeć
#392243 Samuel Danquah
Grzegorz Kopeć
#392242 Alexis Papatzikos
Grzegorz Kopeć
#392241 Marcin Budziński
Grzegorz Kopeć
#392240 Filip Marković
Grzegorz Kopeć
#392239 Filip Marković
Grzegorz Kopeć