Derek - Comments

#668439 sortitoutsi is officially 18 years old today!
18 years ago
7 hours ago

Congrats guys! I remember starting out in the community here 15 years ago by taking over E2G Logos from the original creator.

Logos pack E2G

Feeling very old looking through those site photos! 😅😅😅

#668406 FMV Logos for FM21
18 years ago
7 hours ago
By Footygamer 16 November 2021 - 07:16 AM UTC 

The author Murray has decided not to continue with this megapack.


Unless someone else wants to take over it's going to be archived but of course not delete completely.


If there was enough interest in these I could look at taking this on and sharing content here and on my own site FMG.


Having worked on FM View with the guys it would be a shame to see these gone completely.

#664524 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago


New Megapack for FM22

Over 73,000 Individual Logos


Steel Logos Megapack is a high quality logo pack created for Football Manager by Derek.. Now including over 73,000 individual Club, Competition, International, Confederation, Media Logos and all Flags.


Steel Logos are available in 512 px high resolution with are perfect in game zoom and Football Manager 2022. This pack also includes updated flags, media logos and a host of new alternative logos.


Created by Derek


Researchers : @AndreaSSL1900, @Markitos, @ateesz, @minky79, @Samuelito_AnsuFati10


Clubs: 66,693

Competitions: 6,561

Nations: 266

Confederations: 8

Default: 30

Flags: 266

Total: 73,895

These totals include logo alternatives available in the pack.




Thanks to all the researches for their hard work!



Follow the guide HERE

#661846 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago
By 6scholl6 17 November 2021 - 14:16 PM UTC 

Sorry, can´t edit my post. I´ve found the “mistake”. I created a new folder named teams in the nation folder. Thank i copied all logos and change in the xml the “nation” to “team”. Now the logos are showing at the nation panel:



Hi Mate


I'm a bit confused as to where the initial problem was as I've checked the updates and tested in-game and everything was working fine.


The config files for the megapack and all updates look fine too.

#661421 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago
By CrackeNel 16 November 2021 - 09:26 AM UTC 

Hi there, is it possible to share the template (if it's exist) ?


No sorry it won’t be share.

#660704 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago

It's the wrong forum mate but that's ok. If it's just the logos not appearing I'd suggest checking the pack config file.


If you have done something wrong updating etc it could have caused problems. The logos will work regardless of them being 512px or not.

#660150 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago
By _unforgiven 11 November 2021 - 22:10 PM UTC 


ID 43106515 ← this is currently the ID in your pack.

ID 2000110486 ← ID from the new team


Thanks mate

#659613 Press Conference Backgrounds
18 years ago
7 hours ago

Great work mate!

#659611 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago
By judicious 10 November 2021 - 14:34 PM UTC 



I am trying to download the megapack (premium member) and the download keeps stopping after a few seconds.  Can you please look into this?




EDIT: Finally managed to get it downloaded but I had to manually restart the download countless times over a number of hours, definitely an issue.


Hey mate


I've just downloaded the megapack in just over 7 minutes. Obviously something was previously causing some issues but all seems fine now.


Sorry for the inconvenience.

#659602 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago
By _unforgiven 09 November 2021 - 22:45 PM UTC 



 the logo from Ancona-Matelica (ID 2000110486) is the same from Matelica Calcio (ID 43106515). Matelica Calcio doesn't exist anymore.

07.07.2021 - SS Matelica Calcio purchases the Ancona brand, relocates to Ancona and is rebranded as Ancona-Matelica


Thanks mate. Could you please post a picture of the correct logo and i.d. number and I will place in the next update pack?

#658526 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago

Hi Mate


The best way would be to post in the thread in the link below.




The Chicago Fire logo is in Update 4. Make sure after you download the main pack you also get each Update pack.

#657784 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago


I'll leave this here for anyone who wants to complete the logo and background set.


New, improved and optimised Steel Backgrounds Megapack 


Club Backgrounds: 66,016

Competition Backgrounds: 6,544

Nations Backgrounds: 266

Confederations: 7

Total: 72,833

Total Size: 21.43 GB




#657781 Steel Backgrounds Megapack for Football Manager 2021 - Over 70,300 Backgrounds
18 years ago
7 hours ago

New, improved and optimised Steel Backgrounds Megapack 


Club Backgrounds: 66,016

Competition Backgrounds: 6,544

Nations Backgrounds: 266

Confederations: 7

Total: 72,833

Total Size: 21.43 GB



#656358 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago
By BDRick35 31 October 2021 - 09:58 AM UTC 

YES that's magnificent. Is there also a skin in works?

So Steel 22 it is for me. 


Not at the moment mate but in the future we will look at it.


I will have the new version of Steel Backgrounds ready next weekend which will appear better in game and will be optimised to reduce the overall pack size.


Find Out More - LINK


#656323 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago

Thanks mate! Now over 73,000 logos!

#655662 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago



Clubs: 1,426

Competitions: 613

Nations: 6

Total: 2,045


Thank you as always to the research team and in particular to AndreaSSL1900 and Markitos

#655312 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago

Yes it's already up to date but a new update will be released tomorrow.



#651329 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago


Club: 469

Competition: 507

International: 3

Total: 979


Thank you as always to all the researchers but particularly AndreaSSL1900 and Markitos 

#649231 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago

@SamuelMessi10 @Makenlorde 


Please see the link below to the request thread



#648818 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago

The updates are a combination of missing and updated logos from what is in the original megapack.


Updated logos can be improved quality but mainly is updated when a team or competition introduces a new logo.


All update packs should be downloaded and installed in order from 1-6. Be sure to replace the content only and not the actual folders.


To avoid problems also ensure the @2 folders contents are copy and pasted to the corresponding folders.

#648807 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago
By givizeta 07 September 2021 - 07:17 AM UTC 

Hi everybody.
Sorry for posting here but i'm looking for these kind of logos and i cannot find them anywhere.

Could you help me?


Please post in the Other Football Manager Graphics section.

#648445 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago


Club: 404

Competition: 261

Nations: 2


Total: 667


This brings Steel Logos total logo count to 70,739




Note: It's important to copy the content only from each folder and paste into the corresponding folders in the megapack. 

Do not copy and paste the actual folders.


A big thank to the research team as always!

#647826 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago

Sorry guys but the update won't be released until Thursday as I haven't had time to complete it due to a lot of work on the new FMG site and forums.


Any logos posted here until Tuesday night will be included in the update.

#647518 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago
By Ian Mills 26 August 2021 - 20:15 PM UTC 

 I can confirm that this is the best logo pack out there!!! Awesome work Derek 🙂


Thanks mate

#647516 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago
By Lordbutterfly 26 August 2021 - 19:18 PM UTC 

This just doesnt work. You cant instal any logos. Waste of time. 


It works fine. 

Download the megapack, the updates and make sure all content is copied from the folders including config files. This includes all the content from the @2 folders.

#647145 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago
By Qvordrup 24 August 2021 - 00:25 AM UTC 

@Derek I agree with everything you written 👍 . The idea of a common logo source sound great. I Don't think anyone is stealing anything, and I don't see how you can read that in to my comment 🤷‍♂️. But I've made my point and really don't want to get drawn in to any long discussions, because in my experience it does not get you anywhere.


Agreed 👍

#647134 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago
By AndreaSSL1900 23 August 2021 - 21:53 PM UTC 

Exactly i'm trying to help. The research for italian logos from 1 to 7th tiers is all mine and i think all logopack MUST HAVE the same ammount of logos to be must complete as possible and don't care where and it doesn't matter where the photos come from because anyone can find them on the internet in the official sites of the teams or specialized sites, so anyone is free to post the same photos wherever they want if they think they are useful to complete a pack that he uses rather than another. If i want use Steel Logos pack instead of Metallic Logos and i I want this package to reach or exceed the number of logos present in the Metallic Logos, because I cannot do it and I cannot provide the same logos, which I repeat everyone can find? You can find them, i can find them, everyone can find them.
In my opinion it is ridiculous that a pack of logos has far fewer logos than another and it is right to use any way you see fit to provide logos to complete a pack, even "stealing" them which is what you accuse me of and which in reality is not as the images of the logos can be found anywhere on the internet and you cannot know where I am getting them. Maybe we all get them from the same sites who knows


I'm sure that @Qvordrup is not claiming you have stolen anything mate. I can't speak for anyone but the issue I can see is not giving people credit for the contributions they make in creating content or researching for others to create. As I've said in the past on numerous occasions, I'm very thankful to you and all the other researchers that have helped me create content over the years. I always give credit to those who contribute even one logo to any pack and will continue to do so in this project and others.


I would suggest simply declaring who created the particular content so credit can be given to all.

#647124 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago



Firstly, thank you for the kind words on Steel Logos.


I wasn’t aware that this was the case as I very rarely venture outside of my own topics. I can understand where your coming from on this and ultimately it’s a decision for you guys as staff have to make as I’m simply a contributor to this site.


Although I can’t speak for others, perhaps we can agree there was no malice meant in what  AndreaSSLazio1900 was doing in ‘researching’ the logos as he was ultimately trying to help.


Can I suggest a possible alternative which could benefit all members and creators?


I have in the past set up projects such as source logos on FM View which assisted creators in accessing large quantities of standard logos in the best quality available to encourage new styles and larger packs. This is something which I’m currently in the process of doing for my own site Football Manager Graphics and would be happy to share the work here.


I’ve been working on that project now for the past 3 months and has allowed me to improve Steel Logos and also develop three new logo megapack styles which I’ve yet to release.


To summarise I can open a new thread ‘Source Logos’ and upload my standard source logos for creators to download. Any member can then post missing or updated logos.

#647105 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago

This Friday is the cut off point for any logos to be included in Update 6.


Thank you as always for the help.

#647009 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
18 years ago
7 hours ago
By SamuelMessi10 21 August 2021 - 23:17 PM UTC 

Perdón, solo quería saber si me podrian hacer un logo de acero de un escudo que yo les mande? 

Sois unos campeones de narices haciendo estas cosas, enhorabuena.


Sorry, I just wanted to know if you could make me a steel logo of a shield that I send you? You guys are champions of noses doing these things, congratulations.


Yes sure. Please post it here in the best quality you have.