saint Devill Activity

2 months ago
Hi Please help.. I've spent all day trying to figure this out....Im trying to incorporate Right and Left foot strength to the attribute table... All the elements are there, but I can't get them to line up (see attached)I would like to move or realign...
2 months ago
Hi Total novice here..Im doing some minor editing to custom skinI would like to move or realign the shirt/number below the player picture (see attached picture)found the code related to this (I think) under Player personal detail panel   &n...
3 years ago
Wow .. thank thank you !!.. great find cos i was looking for it for teh past 2 days ..  Its buried deep down in advanced option .. All you need is un-check the 2 option highlighted (see attached) in order to remove all restriction on squad numbe...
3 years ago
HiIm aware that LA Liga have imposed a rule in terms of squad number allocation for senior (1-25) and non senior team members (26-99) ... so just wondering.. Is there a a way to mod this to open squad number selection in LaLiga?I looked in the pregam...