Bobby Bronson Activity
Hell-o Bhoys & Ghirls!I have got a question … where can i find and change the teams that are banned from european competitions in the editor?I haven't found anything.Thank you very much in advance!Yours trulyBobby
I found a data from the FM20 … and i've edited a little bit, so that it would work for the FM19.There is just one little problem … the starting date of the MLS is March 1, 2019 and the end date is November 10, 2019.But i would need the dates to be March 1...
is this also available for FM19?🙃
Hello Bhoys & Ghirls!In FM19 the only playable League in the US is the MLS.I wish i could at least play the USL Championship.I can't find a File that unlocks the lower Leagues.Any Help would be appreciated … thank you very much in advance! Bobby
alright … but thanks for your answer! 🙃is there some way to find out the attributes of the players, so i can create them myself?
alright … but thanks for your answer! 🙃
hell-o bhoys & ghirls!i just recently found out, that you're having a well well maintained player database. for i still play the FM19 i'm asking myself:is there a chance to download single players and include them into my database? thank you...
is this available for FM19, too?
By mons On 05 November 2020 - 15:57 PM UTCIt's there, it's just a question that Footygamer...
the new look is cool ... but it needs a little time to dive in, i guess 😉
on question on t...