Norraya Activity
@mons Thank you. Question though: Should I do this even when the footballer isn't wearing a football jersey? It sometimes looks a bit off imo when it's a checkered shirt or something similar
Accidentally uploaded wrong resolution on the first one. My bad
From the Swedish National Team's current Nations League squad
Is this one better?
My bad 🤦Can I fix it or should I just delete the pack and re-create it?
Haha, sorry! Still a bit new to this. I'll make sure to do that in the future
Not great quality but couldn't find any good source that wasn't several years old. Tried to improve it as best I could
Alright, final attempt! Cropped 3 pixels below the chin and a tiny bit of collar, just like the original
This better?
This is basically as up-right as I can get it without having a strange cut-off. Hope this is good enough 🙂
I made a higher quality cut-out from a better source image I found
You might actually be right now that I look at it. Either way, this one is much more recent and much...
The existing photo is the wrong person. I've made a cut-out from her official photo
Found a good photo on her instagram.
I can't download the pack. Every few seconds the download stops and says “Network error”Is there any...