Chrissy10970 Activity
Grenoble kits are wrong.
ESTAC third kit. Light beige and purple.
Big thanks to you.Is it possible to make Troyes third kit ?
Thanks man.
It's the problem. The in-game editor don't allow me to… allow the good kits. Thanks for your help.
It's OK with a new career. The problem is I don't want to delete all the seasons I made.
I'll try a new career later this day and tell you.
Sorry to have post in FM23. The fix was installed before the save game was started. Also the editor data.
I apply the fix only in 2400 and 2430.
Hi,It's impossible for me to apply real colour to Brazilian kits. The name are good. Also the competition, national team,… But not the colour. Have you an idea why ?Thanks.
En perso si tu veux.
Bonjour,Désolé de te déranger. Deux questions :comptes-tu terminer le National 2 ?as-tu conservé la première version du troisième maillot de l'ESTAC ? Celui avec LCR ? Il semblerait que le club alterne les deux sponsors. Pourrais-tu me le faire parvenir s...
I download the skin again and it work. Thank you.
Thank you. But I don't have it anymore. Don't know why.
I just sent you this pic. The button was (PA) at bottom right.
HI,In version 3 I could see the players' potential in their profile photos. It's no longer the case now. Did I miss something ?
Many thanks to you.
En or sur le troisième maillot, comme le reste du design, et, bien qu'aucune photo officielle n'ait été publiée concernant le deuxième maillot, en bleu à mon avis.
Bonjour,Désolé mais l'équipe de Troyes a, depuis hier, un nouveau sponsor sur le maillot extérieur (blanc) ET le troisième maillot (noir). Est-il possible, quand tu auras le temps de corriger sur les kits 3D ?Bon dimanche à toi.
Bonjour,Le troisième maillot de Sochaux est en fait celui du gardien.
Alors là, je m'incline. Merci mille fois.
Un immense merci. Hâte d'une éventuelle suite ?…
Certain… je suis supporter troyen. Il n'y a aucun sponsor sur le maillot extérieur.
Thank you so much. It's OK now.
Bonjour,Penses-tu sortir bientôt une correction pour le deuxième maillot de l'ESTAC ?
Sorry, thank you but I keep SS kits. Much better for me.
Merci beaucoup.
Hi,The kit makes the back of the jersey appear behind the front of the jersey in overexposure (visible under the sleeves - see attached photo).Can anyone tell me why ?Thanks in advance… and sorry for my poor english.
Merci beaucoup en tous les cas pour ton travail.
Thank you very much. Just one detail, kit away of Troyes (white) has no sponsor.
Thanks. Do you plan to make Ligue 2 ?
Hello, And me 3d kits for France L2 if possible ? Thanks. I want to play with ESTAC.
How to make a request for 3D kits ?
Atlético Marte / Salvador and the second, CD Dragon ?
Many thanks to you for your work and your help. Amazing work.
Hi, I want to see french L1 tickets when I play with my french club. Thanks.
Hello, I play in French Ligue 1 and the tickets are those of Portugal. I take those of Ligue 1 in the right folder, for me. How can I change it ?
They are not n Ligue 1.
Which club please ?
Many thanks but from which Liga ? Levels seems not full.
Thanks. I know that for long but it doesn't work on my actual game.
Thanks but impossible to see the kits on the game.
Hi, Thanks for your work. Just a question : how can I have the club logo on the left of the kits on the player's profile ?
Thanks but… teams ? ID ?
A small mistake for ESTAC (Troyes) kits. A new sponsor since septembre for all kits (LEXPersona).
By gianni1970 11 October 2021 - 07:01 AM UTC Quevilly (Fra) ID: 50034825 Thanks for...
HI, rabcp, Do you plan to do Ligue 1 and french Ligue 2 ? Thank you.