Gibbanator Activity
Playing a USA team that only allows 8 international players to be picked for Registration. It says I have 8 picked already but I only see 6 with the international “I” tag next to there name, I have 15 where they have a different Nation of Birth Flag and 1...
Is there a place that tells us where to put this file or how to use it?
had the same .dll problem. I just downloaded the Dll file and placed it in the folder where I made the install and it worked ...
Thank You bakizp this one is much better to use. it shows what sizes your trying to use and you can do more than one XML at a...
when using this what do you check to make icons of the player photos? The XML needs to read icon and not portrait.
Okay I have figured out the problem. The pictures I added were the right size and in PGN format but the images were locked so...
No, none of the players I added pics for were created. They are on my reserve team and have no pics and I found some of them ...
I could not find anything on this subject in the forum so I hope I am not posting a repeat thread. I am having some pr...