Fernandes Jellal Activity
Should add Status Exploring Options End Contract to Him
It has been confirmed by Dortmund
Please prioritize the major league, Tks you
yeah i'm really surprised too, before a create new fake.Inc and put two line code to it, and it working, but now is'nt not, otherwise thank you very much for supporting me,
I will handle this issue later, thank you
I do follow you,
I click on Pogba in MU
and after click on France
and finally ref
i solved this before with
but now is not working
it mean face picture of player, France and Holland National Team face player is black default, not show face picture in facepack
i did this to all folder 1900, 1901, 1910, 1930
i did this, but still the same, help me
My patch is 19.3, my save games is disabled avatar of France and Holland National Team, i have changes file fake.Inc follow guide from 1 to 0:
But not working,...
miss file config 7.08
Player Name: Falcao
Player ID: 950975
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search re...