Cooizzo Activity
Season 1Applied to every available job around the world. Got a couple of interviews, Asia and Africa. Good continents to start.Finally decided to take the Black Leopards job in South Africa's second division.First order of business, asking board for...
Unemployed and unlicenced with no footballing experience. Trying to win every continents champions league. Will i do it? How long will it take?
2nd Job in Vitória SCAs the 2nd season progressed, came the VSC proposal, as well as a Chicago Fire one. Bored from international duty and club unemployment, decided to take the portuguese offer. VSC were sitting 16th at the table and things weren't looki...
1st job in marseille. Came in with the team in 17th place but just 12 points of 2nd place. 5 defeats in the Champions league. Managed to comeback to 2nd place and win the Cup of France.Decided to leave because the board gave a 2M€ transfer budge...
Starting unemployed, with full licences, looking for the first job.
Starting unemployed and trying to win all continental champions leagues. Maybe trying international teams wins as well