vigiaquinze Activity
0.3 VERSION OUTThis version adjusts the shirt names. We had a lot of big name players and some of them were with the wrong name on the shirt. And with this version, you can use the option in FM who is called “Use shirt names”, to prevent the lineup using...
0.2 VERSION OUTThis version adds the graphics of the league. This is still a WIP, so isn't complete yet.
What I need to edit in “simatchviewer.fmf” to get better results? I already uncompressed it from the original FMF file, I just dont get what files I need to edit or move, like you said.
Same here! I can't download the data update… When I click in the download button, the page just upda...
Serve this? Made by me
Huh? With me is completely normal, do you use any update? When I used this pack with the upgrade of its own Sports Interactive, it did not work either, try downloading the Brasil Mundi UP (the best update of Brasileirão, i use her), it works normal...