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So what's happened now?
Nothing's happened. It's just a wise advice from a man to another.
Phoenix Arrow
So many guys who have little to zero experience about woman trying to give advice.
Mr Willy
Slashman X
Telegram Sam
Phoenix Arrow
In all seriousness, if you see a future with the bird then explain the situation to her. If you just want to lash the fuck out of her don't worry about, just do it and get it over with. Tbh she'll look like a right bitch if she goes off slagging you about your circumcision, at least to sane people anyway, although you do live in Kerry, not many sane people there.
Was looking at you for some advice, seeing as you have been fairly active in here ... Sound
His doctor must have fucked up the surgery somehow.
Not sure why my posts are joining together but ...
She's 15 , so she's a bit immature so she wouldn't understand I'd say. Foreigners like their cock though ha
Judging by what I'm reading on Google mine is healed . PM
Telegram Sam
Okay, hold on a second. You're 18, she's 15? Why'd you get your foreskin chopped? Religious beliefs, or did you lose a bet or something? I may post in here a fair bit but this is a little out of my comfort zone. Phoenix is your guy, this is relatively normal to him.
Also, on a serious note, don't get too worked up on not losing your virginity yet. 18's not exactly early but it's not a disaster either. It'll happen, I'm sure (if you dick still works, anyway).
Slashman X
Don't fret about losing your virginity yet. Just wait until college and it'll sort itself out.
Also, I'm gonna go ahead and guess that the circumcision was due to other medical reasons (i.e. it was necessary), which could be why it hasn't healed yet.
Why do you need me? You need Jimmy Savile's advice in a situation like this.
I had a look at what the Irish law says though, unsurprisingly it takes a harsh stance. Apparently Sears could go to prison for up to 5 years if he actually has sex with this girl.
Slashman X
There was an awesome case a few years back, where a 16 year old lad slept with a 16 year old girl and her father didn't like it so reported him. They were both charged with statutory rape \o/ Massive uproar about it though and about why the lad was being treated harsher than the girl.
But yeah, half your age plus 7 is the rule. 18 with 16 is grand, 18 with 15 is just feckin' creepy
Eric Portapotty
Well tbh, I'm 25 and dating a 19 year old at the min so just about works out
Anyway, when I was 22 some girl blagged by head and told me she was 18 and I told her she could come back to mine. Anyway a bit of fondling about on a bench later waiting for her to decide what to do she kind of let on that she was 16. While I was finger blasting her ffs.
The Platypus
The wording of the last bit is exceptional.
You got bad dick cheese didn't you?
The age seems alright too, as long as you're okay with it then that's all that matters really.
From my experience though, dating girls two years younger isn't that fun, I found the contrast in maturity really irritating a lot of the time.
Don't have a clue what that means mate