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Sheriff Skacel
Aye I dip in and out of looking over there, its an absolute pain to navigate and search though. Terrible forum setup.
On the FM13 front I've played the last few league games of the seasons, messed on with back threes and front threes again but I'm not totally convinced by the results. All that is left this season is the cup final with Porto, will decide once I play that (tonight or tomorrow) as to whether I will continue plugging away on FM13 until I start making the FM14 leagues I want.
rightlysacked from Montrose I've been looking at a new game, similar with plenty of leagues to navigate through. IIRC Sweden has a four tier league setup, meaning no additional DB would be needed, reducing the risk of errors and crashes etcSheriff Skacel
Also, my girlfriend keeps saying I'm a cunt and hate people. But I'm sure all of you agree that FM is more important than silly drinks with her friends whom I dislike.
HAHA, the best comment on a FM forum EVER!
Women have friends so they can go out and socialise whilst guys play FM
guys have friends over the internet to talk about Fm wilt playing FM whilst the girlfriend is out the god damn house!
Based Jorge
Sheriff Skacel
May 15th boys, deadline for my last ever University essay's. After that, I'm a free man.
Yeah, you warned me when I started my FM2012 Pentagon in lowest tier of Sweden, spent ten seasons, got promoted to top tier and couldn't get anywhere else, even won the Swedish cup which was held at my ground with a capacity of 1800. Not even tempted to go back there.
Thought I might get that reply A.B.E at it's finest.
Anywhere near a decision?
Sheriff Skacel
Overall it was a good season, just annoyed we threw away another CL semi final. Mogi and Chokito will be leaving for a collective £70m, replacements will come in the form of promoted players.
Sheriff Skacel
Kuijt - He played amazingly well in his loan spell but his age and wage demands work against him
Uribe - Really underperformed in my opinion, as a starting MCR I need a lot more than 7.11 for the season
Neves - Starting MCL but his contract is up at the end of next year, I can do better
van der Ende - Contract up at the end of next year, don't want to give him huge wages when he's just a second choice
Decisions need to be made on Shengelia and Silanpaa too, contracts are up end of next year, wage demands best not be too high.
Sheriff Skacel
Sheriff Skacel
Bids like this can't be ignored.
Sheriff Skacel
Sheriff Skacel
June 22nd right now, come July 1st the rebuilding begins, again.
Sheriff Skacel
Sheriff Skacel
Sheriff Skacel
I'm gonna have a mini-cull of the reserves, getting sick of loaning so many players out every year. Time to get tough.
Sheriff Skacel
Doing my utmost to get this legend of the game transfer listed. Made my interest clear in the media, had two bids rejected already, few more days and I want him transfer listed. By next week I want him on the first flight to Lisbon and then on the 85B bus to Mirandela.
Sheriff Skacel
Sheriff Skacel
Been chasing this guy on/off for over ten years, always been a question of his wages being too high or me being unable to agree a price. Delighted to have him now though, can play both wings and both forward positions I plan on playing this year.
Lost him 14 years ago to Porto who approached him on a youth deal, 177 goals and 47m later he's back. Still one of the best in the world.