Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
"You've joined Liverpool who were the biggest club in the World 20 years ago and we've been self entitled cunts ever since, how does that make you feel Joe?"
16 years ago
4 years ago
Arsenal are shit.
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
16 years ago
4 years ago
Naah just you have some weird mindset how Arsenal are the best thing in the world and no one can say a wrong on the players, yet that were absolutely shit blah blah.. despite having a shit defence and in honesty not that great team last year, we finished higher than you have for the past 10 (of the top of my head) seasons.
18 years ago
2 months ago
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
Naah just you have some weird mindset how Arsenal are the best thing in the world and no one can say a wrong on the players, yet that were absolutely shit blah blah.. despite having a shit defence and in honesty not that great team last year, we finished higher than you have for the past 10 (of the top of my head) seasons.

And how many of those seasons did they finish above you?
Eric Portapotty
15 years ago
1 month ago
Bobber speaking in favour of Arsenal - is this real life?
18 years ago
1 month ago
Liverpool fans inability to accept criticism strikes again.
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
Naah just you have some weird mindset how Arsenal are the best thing in the world and no one can say a wrong on the players, yet that were absolutely shit blah blah.. despite having a shit defence and in honesty not that great team last year, we finished higher than you have for the past 10 (of the top of my head) seasons.

1) We're obviously not the best team in the World.
2) Szczesny had the joint most clean sheets in the League, our defence is solid it's just the spankings that made it look bad. Which most of the fault came down to either Flamini or/and Arteta in a non-existent midfield.
3) Well done mate, I'm sure you'll be relishing that when your club is back to the norm of not being in Europe or playing on Thursday nights again.

I think it's clear to everyone here that you talk out of your arse most of the time and just a plain fuckwit in general. Kind of like me when I frequented FM-View when I was about 15 years old.
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
Almost as bad as the apparent chip Arsenal fans have on their shoulders when it comes to Liverpool
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Or the chip Liverpool fans have on their shoulder regarding everyone else
15 years ago
4 months ago
Carroll is a 'tard.
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
Almost as bad as the apparent chip Arsenal fans have on their shoulders when it comes to Liverpool

Liverpool fans in general are probably the most annoying in World Football imo. During my time on reddit and the fucktarded place of r/soccer the only other ones comparable are American Arsenal fans.
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
What the hell do you expect from Reddit?
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
What the hell do you expect from Reddit?

The moment I saw someone say that a player was good 'on defense' I gave up.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
Naah just you have some weird mindset how Arsenal are the best thing in the world and no one can say a wrong on the players, yet that were absolutely shit blah blah.. despite having a shit defence and in honesty not that great team last year, we finished higher than you have for the past 10 (of the top of my head) seasons.

Oh Carroll
15 years ago
7 years ago
Liverpool fans in general are probably the most annoying in World Football imo. During my time on reddit and the fucktarded place of r/soccer the only other ones comparable are American Arsenal fans.


It can't be just me that absolutely despises r/soccer can it? The top comment is always some really boring bantz and they just seem to constantly upvote people talking utter drivel.
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
It's filled with absolute morons who know sweet fuck all. Again I don't mean to generalise but when the major nationality on there is American it's easy to see why.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
That's why you're supposed to go on when the Americans are asleep. It's decent enough during the day. Most the Americans are Arsenal fans anyway so they're easy to spot and ignore
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
That's why you're supposed to go on when the Americans are asleep. It's decent enough during the day. Most the Americans are Arsenal fans anyway so they're easy to spot and ignore

I don't even understand why that is. Arsenal haven't been to America since like the 80's I believe? (Apart from the NYRB game of course). Very strange. Maybe it's because it's the first team that comes up on FIFA.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
It's exactly cos of FIFA
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
The worst thing about r/soccer is the fucking fake niceness rivals "fans" show each other for karma.

"I may be an Arsenal fan but I really hope Liverpool win the league this season, I feel Gerrard really deserves it because he's been such a good servant to the club and the attacking football you guys have played has been great fun to watch!"

Eurgh. The 'banter' is also so fucking tiring as well - you can try and make a good point but if someone comes in with a shit pun or reference that has nothing to do with the discussion it'll be upvoted to oblivion.

As others have said I don't wish to generalize but American fans really do annoy me sometimes.
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
I was gonna post in there that 'Chelsea are the only football club I'd like to see become liquidated' then remembered where I was.
16 years ago
6 years ago
I don't even understand why that is. Arsenal haven't been to America since like the 80's I believe? (Apart from the NYRB game of course). Very strange. Maybe it's because it's the first team that comes up on FIFA.

Fever Pitch? Apparently middle class American football hipsters identify with the book.
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
Fever Pitch? Apparently middle class American football hipsters identify with the book.

Really? Any idea why?

I read the book in year 9 and thought it was quite boring tbh, I didn't even finish it. Tbf I had my parents stories from the terrace and the Arsenal so it probably didn't grip me due to this.
16 years ago
6 years ago
I'm basing this of this utterly hilarious article.

Among younger American writers who came of age on Nick Hornby’s soccer books like “Fever Pitch,” rooting for Arsenal, Mr. Hornby’s club of choice, is almost de rigueur, said Rosie Schaap, an American-born memoirist who considers herself a die-hard Tottenham Hotspur fan. (She also writes the monthly Drink column for The New York Times Magazine).

“Any time I’m at a book party or reading, and soccer comes up in conversation, I find myself surrounded by young men in shabby-genteel, loosely fitting tweed jackets gushing over the Gunners,” Ms. Schaap said. “In such settings, being an Arsenal supporter is even more predictable than having an M.F.A. or a pair of horn-rimmed glasses.

I honestly can't believe it's a real article. Would recommend everyone has a read.
13 years ago
8 months ago
The worst thing about r/soccer is the fucking fake niceness rivals "fans" show each other for karma.

"I may be an Arsenal fan but I really hope Liverpool win the league this season, I feel Gerrard really deserves it because he's been such a good servant to the club and the attacking football you guys have played has been great fun to watch!"

I fucking hate that. Im subscribed to /Patriots and every week during the season you will get a fan supporting the team they are playing post something about how much they love Patriots and don't mind losing just to get Karma
Eric Portapotty
15 years ago
1 month ago
The worst thing about r/soccer is the fucking fake niceness rivals "fans" show each other for karma.

"I may be an Arsenal fan but I really hope Liverpool win the league this season, I feel Gerrard really deserves it because he's been such a good servant to the club and the attacking football you guys have played has been great fun to watch!"

Eurgh. The 'banter' is also so fucking tiring as well - you can try and make a good point but if someone comes in with a shit pun or reference that has nothing to do with the discussion it'll be upvoted to oblivion.

As others have said I don't wish to generalize but American fans really do annoy me sometimes.

dat karma tho
18 years ago
2 months ago
Polandball is literally the only good thing about reddit.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
The MCFC subreddit has gone to shit too with one or 2 users basically hating anyone foreign, then complaining about being downvoted for insulting people. It's great craic to see them getting pissed off

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