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Telegram Sam
I'll easily have 20,000 by the end of the day, possibly up to 21/22 territory.
Telegram Sam
Telegram Sam
Stay off the ket.
Here's that word count list:
Google Docs says you've put the story in your rubbish bin?
I had to change the file so it auto backs up. I think I'd cry if I lost it now.
26,175 and counting.
I mapped out the arc of the story about four o'clock this morning, I haven't been to sleep in a couple of days now. I think I've got the tone of the character down, but the part I read this morning, the first chapter, is pretty horrendous.
A question I do have for people who have read it: do they see the main character as being, in any way, likeable?
When I read the first bit of the book it struck me as a good light read to take on holiday or something like that. Something that you can read a bit, put it down to go in the pool or whatever then resume fairly easily. Definitely a decent lads book. So far at least.
Will be interesting to see where the story goes & what happens.
Don't really remember this, but there are a couple of bits where you missed a word/the sentence doesn't really make sense, but this is all part of it. When you are powering through as you are, you cant afford to get caught up with relatively small things like this otherwise you will lose your train of thought.
I'll PM you my email address so you can share it with me.
The Platypus
Interesting > Likeable
I really hate the guy in the story, but around the girl he's weird, kind of gay. I'm looking forward to chucking him down the shit pipe.
Kinda like Walt from Breaking Bad or Tony Soprano, they aren't nice people if you look at it objectively but they have relatable aspects to them which make people care about them and how their stories unfold.
Particularly if you tell the story in the first person, I think being relatable is the key. I've only read the first link you posted up on here, but I thought through that much the character was relatable. Moments like where Seb first appears and he says something like 'what the fuck or you doing here?' but mentions he's doing that cover up that he actually cares, and the bit after about the troubles of making male friends. They're things I think plenty of people could apply to themselves and that honesty, I guess, makes you like the character.
Well yeah, there's a truth there. He is what he is, but if it was just a book about a guy who bangs chicks and never learns anything it wouldn't make for a good story.
So I figured the best thing to do, given that he is secure and insecure to the extreme, is to introduce someone who he doesn't understand how to deal with. To challenge him. I spent a good few hours writing chapter 15, which I've just emailed to everyone, from about one in the morning until seven this morning. Making sure the process gives him flexibility to show off the aspects of his personality.
The key is the conversation with Smile where he discusses how he's never had sex sober or ever had a girlfriend. When those words came out I knew I had to write that scenario in. Thank god I did because it's giving the story purpose now.
Sorry to be pedantic but I found a plot hole, the mother rings the character at his house and asks where he is, he later explains at the lunch that he has lost his mobile. Now I don't ring someones house number and ask where they are so FIX THAT SHIT.......
Nah great story so far and oddly enough is pretty much my life the last 8 months.