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I wanted the superior gaming console, where as I might get the superior multimedia console as well eventually.
King Luis
Yeah i play Resogun all the time, such a good game, there hasn't been a month yet where there hasn't been a game on there that i haven't wanted to play, think its unrealistic of people to expect full titles still considering most people will now have PS+ rather than what it was like on the PS3
I think give it maybe another year at least until you get the odd full title. I still download the odd few on ps3 due to some of them being good
looking forward to Destiny, going on the Beta's it should be brilliant
Also Diablo is a hell of a lot of fun for such a simple game
Wouldn't have said there is much, if any difference now.
King Luis
Exactly what happened with my mates. I had it for about 3 months and none of them had it then in about a space of 3 weeks 7 of them did
King Luis
Will I need this for multiplayer / Sky / Netflix etc.?
You will need it for online multiplayer. Not sure about netflix or sky
King Luis
You only need it to play games online Can use Apps and stuff without it
Always a bit irritating when my Xbox Live Gold runs out and can't watch Sky or Netflix through it.
You don't need Gold for Netflix or Sky now on Xbox.
King Luis
Preloading is great but also it rubs it in a little seeing it in your list of games and not being able to play it for 6 hours
Slashman X
I got a Amazon parcel and couldn't think of anything else I had brought so got all excited. Especially seeing as people already have it and servers are live. Long story short it weren't it :/
How much did you pay for it? I always try and do digital download but most of the time they are like £10 more
King Luis
Think it was £54.99, I've been getting everything digital so far. Cant be bothered with disks and its nice having everything on my console, the only disks i have are FIFA and Watch Dogs. Thats only because FIFA came with the console and i forgot i ordered WD from ShopTo
Thats the annoying thing. Im running out of space for disks and that but all the time I can get the game £15 cheaper in disk form I will
Trouble is i've been banned from PSN for a month. Fucking typical, games are starting to come out and I won't be on to enjoy them fully.
There hasn't been an official announcement saying the Demo will be out on nextgen, so there can't really be a delay
Says I sent pornographic/obscene images to people. Don't even have a camera or buggar all, think i've been mass reported by a group of people. I've sent alot of people dickish messages in my time.
Managed to make a new account so i'll start my 14 day trial tomorrow when I get Destiny.
Crowd is awesome! Running a bit shoddy, most of the new things are just cosmetic features.
The Platypus
How does the dirty kits look? Also how does the wear and tear on the turf look?