16 years ago
13 hours ago
I've just spent a good 12 hours playing on pro clubs and drop in, also got all the boosts I need I think I'm on pc anyone else been able to play it early
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Can somebody give me some tips as to how to earn some coins pretty quickly? I've never played FUT seriously so it all seems a bit complicated to me.

The already mentioned tips are good. Those coins boosts can be really handy near the start, especially if you can afford to buy loads of them in one go. Also, I always try and rotate my squad as much as possible so that contracts don't go down as quickly, therefore saving you coins on having to buy contract cards.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Also don't make substitutions, they're pretty much a waste of a contract.
13 years ago
8 months ago
What fitness does everyone let their players drop too before switching. I'm usually low 90s but should probably leave them in for another game. The reason people will have good squads is because they spent hundreds in early access. You look at people they have like 100k FIFA points and 12k alone costs around £70 I think
16 years ago
4 years ago
I usually do 3 games with a squad before switching, allows me to get used to them a bit, but doesn't drop much below 90. Thing is you can't buy packs with FIFA points yet so how the hell are they getting these players?

Flamini is a good bargain atm, cost me about 400 coins but very solid in DM.

Game seems a lot less 'scripted' then last year and less annoying which is good, a lot better than the demo. The defending is more realistic with slide tackles actually being good with the right timing. Still a bit annoying with the off the ball blocking sometimes and there's times where you seem to just run through the defence with the momentum but it's a lot better than last years version.

Baring in mind, I'll probably get pissed with it soon when I carry on losing.
13 years ago
8 months ago
I usually do 3 games with a squad before switching, allows me to get used to them a bit, but doesn't drop much below 90. Thing is you can't buy packs with FIFA points yet so how the hell are they getting these players?

Every stream I have seen people have been able to buy using points
16 years ago
4 years ago
I swear they weren't supposed to be able to till the full game is out, unless it's maybe transferred from FIFA 14?
13 years ago
8 months ago
I swear they weren't supposed to be able to till the full game is out, unless it's maybe transferred from FIFA 14?

Yeah you can do a one time transfer from 14. Plus the full game is out in US today
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago

Is that all to takes to fucking review a game? Play 5 matches then start writing?

No one mentioning anything about career mode, UT or absolutely anything except "I played a few games and this is what happened". Bit more in-depth would be nice
15 years ago
4 months ago
Aye, they're all a bit crap.
14 years ago
15 hours ago
16 years ago
4 years ago
VP doing the same tactic as me of cramming as many loan players as I can at the start
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
Why not go for a lower quality of players but a higher chemistry?
14 years ago
15 hours ago
I don't really play UT that much, just abused the catalogue a bit!
Davide Somma
18 years ago
4 years ago
Just downloaded this on the ps4 for £36 quid.

tip - create a us psn account and us amazon account with a us billing address. once downloaded you can switch back to your uk psn account and it works.


buy psn $$ cards then redeem
16 years ago
2 years ago
Is the quitting glitch still in UT or has EA fixed that?
16 years ago
4 years ago
What is the glitch? Not really sure if it's still in, but it says I lost connection when I was losing a few times and given the loss, and when I was winning I wasn't given the win.
18 years ago
8 hours ago
Is the quitting glitch still in UT or has EA fixed that?

I'm sure that got fixed a couple of months ago.

Playing PS4 full game and it's very, very weird. The collision system can make players go flying just by walking into each other. Some times the game feels more 'heavier' than others, even though i've played mosto f my matches as Liverpool.

That being said i'm loving it, feels weird to have a shit Ultimate Team, excited about building it up from scratch again though.
16 years ago
2 years ago
What is the glitch? Not really sure if it's still in, but it says I lost connection when I was losing a few times and given the loss, and when I was winning I wasn't given the win.

Basically a glitch that someone can make the game disconnect and they get the win.

Was ridiculous, I gave up playing UT because of it.

I'm sure that got fixed a couple of months ago.

Playing PS4 full game and it's very, very weird. The collision system can make players go flying just by walking into each other. Some times the game feels more 'heavier' than others, even though i've played mosto f my matches as Liverpool.

That being said i'm loving it, feels weird to have a shit Ultimate Team, excited about building it up from scratch again though.

Hmmm was still happening back in June when I last played it on Xbox One.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Think it might still be in then as I've had it happen to me, very annoying to be fair
18 years ago
3 months ago
Defending online is appalling.

Players can just run through your defence, and you can do that too, my scores on online seasons have all been high, like 5-3/4-4/5-5/5-4/6-4.

Really annoying.
18 years ago
6 years ago
You always moan about the game every year though.
16 years ago
4 years ago
He's right though, my average goals conceded has gone up from like under 1 goal to 2. something, seems every player can do these little turns that fucks your defence and using the right stick can be deadly.

Anyone had problems with really accurate shooting? Feels like its on manual sometimes, I've had so many shots from like a tight angle (not super tight), and the ball ends up going for a throw in, or had an open goal and completely missed it. Seems getting through defence is kind of easy but scoring can be a bastard
13 years ago
2 months ago
Cannot wait to get the game tomorrow, Mr Posty best have his priorities right, i expect it delivered by 6am
18 years ago
3 weeks ago
Got a day off tomorrow, but can't be arsed to wait in line at Asda tonight to get it.

But also can't be arsed to get up early to go and get it.

14 years ago
15 hours ago
Should have downloaded it, mine will be ready at 12 tonight, then Forza next week
18 years ago
3 weeks ago
16 years ago
4 years ago
Mine should be here tomorrow, but not back from Germany till Sunday /o\
13 years ago
8 months ago
Mine should come in post tomorrow but them at EGX Saturday and Sunday

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