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Though you're gonna need more cables no matter what really.
Buy that, plug your Ethernet into the "internet" port, then you have wireless in your room, the same speed as what your original modem can give, not only that but if you get 4 small Ethernet wires you can hook 4 other devices up wired.
Thats what i use in my bedroom
Aye that's what I meant, obviously know if I split Ill need more cables but I can only have one going into the room. From then if I put into the splitter, I can plug two cables in to it and split it right?
Yeah its one cable in but two out.
Actually this looks like a better idea, as it says the splitter VP posted only let's me use one device at a time? If I have this in my room, take the ethernet cable I usually plug into my xbox and plug it into this instead, I have an extra 4 connections right? Should also make wifi quicker in my room?
Technically you'll have 4 wired connections, then 8 wireless, i think it supports.
You can use them all at the same time, too.
My living room has my main modem but my bedroom is miles away from my living room, and i have sky multiroom in my bedroom so needed internet in there to get on demand, the wifi wasn't strong enough, barely reached it and i remembered i had an old router (the one i linked you to) tried it and it works fine. So now ive got brilliant wifi connection in the bedroom plus my Roku and Skybox are both connected wired.
No, just plug the ethernet into the internet port on the dlink router.
Eric Portapotty
Confirmed, I've never wasted so much time walking around doing virtually nothing in such a constant, regimented manner.
And I'll have to return in an hour for another week. FFS
Slashman X
Just buy some Homeplugs
So I got a email Friday stating my order had been sent out and was given a track number. It had not moved all weekend and I then received a email today saying my Alonso shirt has been cancelled. This is due to it being out of stock which. The annoying thing is that it should have already been sent out and it is still available to buy on there website in the size I purchased. I also will be out of more money buying another shirt due to using the code meaning Im getting refunded £51.75 which is not enough for another shirt let along name printing
WHAT! Im all over that
Based Jorge
How? Mines probably the only apple products screen I haven't cracked
Based Jorge
Charging my MacBook, left the charger near the top of the keyboard, close the screen (literally closed, not slammed) and it cracked. £450 for a replacement but it's still useable atm so I'm just gonna wait until Christmas/New Year.
Slashman X
Based Jorge
It's a retina display though and I don't really wanna fuck everything up. Not good with this type of stuff.
I usually just get them from http://www.nbastore.eu They usually do sales so its worth making a account to get emails when they are on
Good luck with that.
He's definitely hoping they'll pay him out before it reaches court.
King Luis