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Players don't get match fit - this especially happened with Ranheim in Norway, where I played ten pre-season matches within one and a half month with high level of intensity. By the start of april and the first game, only two players were 80% matchfit while others were like 65%. Why? The squad is small.
Tactics - I really haven't been successfull with any of my tactics. I consider myself as a experienced Football Manager-player, but this year I've not been successfull at all. The players are playing in their strongest position and I usually play a 4-3-3 with people behind the ball. What happens almost every game is that I lead 2/3/4-0 and then the opposition scores like 3 goals in five minutes and I end up drawing or losing. This happens even when my players are match fit.
Is this a common problem? Or am I just a lousy manager? How can I turn this around?
Great tips, K3VO. Will be using the touchline talk a lot more.
I played recently the second season with a team on the third tier in Norway (the same team as Shedender actually) where I played ten pre season games and the squad were like 65-80% match fit. Thats with playing every three/four days the last month or so before season starts, and with the 16/17 players in the squad, there should be plenty of time on the pitch for everyone. Is there someone who have a good tips with pre season training because I can't seem to get this right..
Here is the settings that I'm using:
General training: Fitness - very high intensity
Match preparation training: Tactics
The "slider" is set in the middle (50%). There's also times where I can't change this slider. Why is that?