Metallic Logos Pack
Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.
- 432,610
- 2025.04 - Released on 04 Feb 2025
![Metallic Logos Pack](
chelmianka chełm 96083151
huragan morag 96083277
izolator boguchwała 96083835
Yeah same here. The link doesn't seem to work. Any chance of double checking the link?
If you have the original FM14 pack without all the yearly updates, then you need every update to bring it to current standards - if you have the last FM14 pack version then the FM15 updates are all you need and the installation is exactly as you describe
Hopping Witch
I'll put it in the next available pack as an alternative as it is an old one actually - I first made that 4 years ago !
There was an editor data file this time called "Club and Comp Updates". I have two questions:
1) What does this do?
2) Do I still need the "Metallic Update 4" editor data file or should I bin this now?
Thanks very much chief.
Club & Comp Updates_BEDDB9DA-B174-4593-8D6E-FF8AACBDDEEE.fmf
in Folder "editor data "
What is that ?
in all metallic Logos Folders before, never any Files in editor data...
Is that a Mistake, and when do not have to put this in own Folder editor data...?
Hopping Witch
Sorry and thanks, Kremmen!
but there seems to be a problem when u download the full pack its just stopped and is corrupted in winrar
As is pointed out above, the Afghan fa logo has the wrong id which will be fixed next time so no biggie. As yet I have no idea what the problem is with 2015_4 Full, but we'll look into it and get it fixes asap.
Extract the file to your Docs\Sports Interactive folder and accept all overwrites to update the configs. As usual these packs could not happen without community support, so thanks to everyone who sent or posted stuff up. Thanks also to Schweigi for his collaboration on the Competition logos, VFLnet for their awesome vectors,, and many other sites which make my job a whole lot easier.
Some piccies
Also, I forgot to mention an extra file in Update 3 which contains a complete set of @2x logos, which I believe are primarily for Mac users althouth they seem to make the PC logos look bettar also - basically It seems they make logos look better on Hd displays. Anyway if you double click on the FM15@2x folder in the zipfile you will see the familiar football manager 2015 folder inside - extract this the usual way into your Docs\Sports Interactive folder and they will unpack into their correct locations. These logos will continue to be updated in the regular packs (including #4) so the Update 3 pack must be done first.
Thanks SI, happy days
One of our file servers ran out of disk space, something I should really keep a closer eye on.
Seán Ó Ruanaidh
Hopping Witch
It's not in your last update, isn't it? Maybe in the next? That would be great - thanks a lot!
Sorry, but I was out over the weekend - Basically I make a note of any club or competition name changes that i come across, and also it matches up with some of the logos. You need to start a new game for it to work though and honestly the Susie Fake fix file is much more convenient.
Hopping Witch
Yes of course, I didn't want to stress you - you're doing a great job, Kremmen, thanks again!
it this just an alt bunch of smalls?
and for Kremmen, what is the name of the photoshop plugin for creating mettalic images?
No, they are new to FM15 and seem to make all logos look better at HD resolutions - Full pack in Update 3 and updates will continue.
The Plugin is called Alien Eyecandy Impact, although I use an older version (V5)