After more than 240 hours of work and research since 3 weeks, I am happy to release my Megapack of 75 updates !!
My 75 updates have all been developed with the advanced editor and contain 99% of real formats of competitions and 90-95% of real rules ( limit maximum of foreigners, discipline, transfer windows, loan, league sorting, dates, break period, effectifs rules, match rules in play-offs and cups, points deductions, Bosman law..etc etc)
These 75 updates (+ the database Japan's players and staffs of widehawk) were tested in same time until October 2027: No bugs and no crashes !!
With these updates and the original leagues, there is therefore now playable:
- All countries in Europe
- All countries in South America
- The 23 best countries in Asia
- The 14 best countries in Africa
- The 13 best countries in North America and the CFU Championship for the qualification in NACL (Champion's League rebuild included in the pack but to use the file Only with the CFU Championship, otherwise, it's preferable not to select the file)
- The 7 best countries in Oceania
Place files inside: Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\editor data
My 75 updates have all been developed with the advanced editor and contain 99% of real formats of competitions and 90-95% of real rules ( limit maximum of foreigners, discipline, transfer windows, loan, league sorting, dates, break period, effectifs rules, match rules in play-offs and cups, points deductions, Bosman law..etc etc)
These 75 updates (+ the database Japan's players and staffs of widehawk) were tested in same time until October 2027: No bugs and no crashes !!
With these updates and the original leagues, there is therefore now playable:
- All countries in Europe
- All countries in South America
- The 23 best countries in Asia
- The 14 best countries in Africa
- The 13 best countries in North America and the CFU Championship for the qualification in NACL (Champion's League rebuild included in the pack but to use the file Only with the CFU Championship, otherwise, it's preferable not to select the file)
- The 7 best countries in Oceania
Place files inside: Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\editor data
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Help...same problem(((((((((
Leon Lewis
It might not work proper if you have addons via steam workshop btw ... so take in heed to check for double features or a league path you got twice.
Brilliant work Claassen!
This file only works with 15.3 updates.
Update your game to 15.3.2 ... something tells me this ain't a legit copy!
Leon Lewis
Not sure if it's been mentioned but with the New Zealand league clubs in the top league never get rid of their manager. I have holidayed in for years and still no movement.
Fred Dadoo Treize
So my problem is this:
I play for a while on the database of Claassen, I began to ask and make suit to complement and change what was wrong. On some club the AWAY jersey is simply not in the database.
So I install the editor in steam launch, load the database (I try to explain a max I have already) been on a team, add a jersey AWAY press add and bikini was up therefore. I backed up, started the game and the shirt is still no
I tested with FMEL, like the shirt does not exist and can not create it. Someone will have a solution? I may have missed something in the editor, I never usually use. I saw that there was a live publisher paying the game, I know if it does and I would avoid paying a publisher anyway ....
PS: No report with XML files and id team because the team that works HOME have no AWAY and other team HOME, AWAY THIRD also see works
I hope I've understood you well, but you seem to want to add, within a save-game, a kit to a team which does not have one already. As far as I know, this is not available. It may be possible using FMEL, but I've never tried and I suspect not.
The changes you've made using the pre-game editor will only show if you start a new game, and not in the middle of your save game.
claassen may answer better than me, but the purpose of this file is to have the leagues as playable and not to have the database in order.
If you know of any transfers, I would recommend you post them in our live data update so that they are included in any future release of the file...
Fred Dadoo Treize
Fun fact: I've had a problem right after an update in which some leagues were unplayable. It was fixed by claasen later on. But I had a backup folder of the playable ones, consisting of about 50 leagues I think. From February 26th. I've erased everything and used that backup, with SUSIE again, and loaded all the same Oceania leagues without any crashes. So maybe the cause of the crash is something else from the latest file here?
Edit 2: Sorry not 50 leagues, 50 something extra nations. I've just loaded almost all of the additional nations with all the leagues added and it says 87 leagues and didnt' have a problem
I'm currently playing with 107 leagues enabled, though I'm missing quite a few nations and the latest updates provided by this pack
ces vazquez
Are there limit of leagues in FM2015??? For example can I activate more than 100 leagues???
You could, depending on how good your PC/Mac is. I only ever have 1 country at a time loaded up.
Tom William Edwards V
First off, I appreciate the hard work that goes into this.
However, I have a problem with some of the teams being unselectable due to having to many or too few teams for the the league, e.g. cannot select Japan because there can only be max 14 teams, but the editor/database detects that there are 15 teams.
Any help would be much appreciated,
edit: Resolved it, no worries.
Is there another fix so as to change it into real one???
Thank you
Read this post
Thanks, all is good now
Now its possible play J-League with real players, facepacks,... with the last patch???