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You can submit them and they will be approved, yes.
Day Tripper
If I use the transfer and loans update files and the 'cancel all loans' file at the same time, none of the newly added loans show up when I load a new game. All the transfers are there so it looks like the 'cancel all loans' file seems to be clashing with the newly added loans or am I missing something?
I've loaded a new game without the 'cancel all loans' file and the new loans then show but the problem is all the old loans are then there too.
Any ideas?
May I ask if the game data after applying the latest update should be the same as the FM Online Database? I found that some teams in Portugal league, like Atletico CP in division 3, [b]got ALL the players in fake name...
Is there something wrong with my editor data (too many or something wrong..)?? xml files are all in the editor data, is it the right place?
Try to load all portugese divisions and then check if it's all working.
I don't have any problems with loans, maybe check if you don't load any editor data files and check all sortitoutsi data files.
Done!!! Thank you so much!!!!!
John Hutchinson 129027 -> retired
Jess Vanstrattan 128834 (Newcastle) -> retired
Karim Belhocine 736020 -> retired and become assistant manager in KV Kortijk
Your text to link here...
Your text to link here...
Your text to link here...
Las Palmas in Liga Adelante (2nd division)???????????
Someone accepted the deal and allowed the deal to go through. I have changed it. I am attempting to go through the transfer mistakes at the moment, so more you can spot for me, the easier it will make my job.
and thanks to susie staff it is greatly appreciated
however as highlighted here http://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager-data-update/change/17917
It looks like some submissions are from people messing around or deliberately trying to sabotage this years file
I am not having a moan just giving a heads up as the example above will have a major impact on the game namely a player on a 4m pound a week contract would bankrupt a club pretty quickly,(the club cant afford wage or let the player go on a free it works out at 518m for the 3 years for porto???) and I have found several examples of contracts like this
the other big problem is deals like this are not confirmed its just rumour surely anything that goes in the file should be confirmed ie by the clubs
Unfortunately I had a problem with an access to my disk and couldn't update my transfer update (which I published in many fm sites like this)
Appreciate the submissions too. If people can spot the mistakes and make us aware of any that has gone through I would really appreciate it. I have corrected close to 50 transfers as it stands, there are certainly going to be more out there.
Zoumana Camara 3801463 (PSG)-> Retired and now assistant coach ( PSG)
its done half way up page 5 i asked same thing
perhaps this and all other changes can be added to info on page 1 when susie staff have the time
thanks for the work
it must be frustrating when people are updating rumours.....but the 3.4m a week wages is just someone trying to cause problems, perhaps they need to be warned/black balled......or given 2 black balls
Casper Ascanius
I've banned quite a few people from submitting transfers.
good on you
had the feeling it was deliberate and sabotaging the great work of others
there are some strange people out there
Hugs from Brazil
But, i think have bug in Live Update:
The Salary or it's real?
Casper Ascanius
probably bug, In my save he's earning around 55k so problem is on your side mate
Did you download the latest update, and are you using any other data files alongside ours?
Mistakes will be made but if the submission page is asking for a source, just look at it before accepting the transfer. Something like "Here Is The City" isn't a reliable source, as they publish tons of rumours.
Morgan Schneiderlin undergoing medical at Man Utd
fee agreed