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It does seem like you've made an installation f**-up somewhere, but if you don't know where you put your old and/or new graphics folders, I'm not sure how anybody can help you tbh
Try verifying the integrity of your game cache - it should recreate any files or folders necessary to load the game which you may have mistakenly deleted or moved. The steps to do so are quoted below.
Tyrion Lannister
Disgraceful behaviour from someone of your class.
I read and understood it first time so there was no need to criticize somebody for their grammar, maybe this person has a slight problem in that area.
I don't see what he said that was wrong. Its not difficult to split a wall of text into paragraphs is it? Also the several lines with caps lock on is quite annoying.
I think bottom line (there you got you paragraph happy now?) is that you didn't really know what the solution is and I think she's the type that likes to think she's the "cleverest on the forum" and loves the attention she gets when she's the first one to solve a problem. Well not this time eh
It was only a relatively mild criticism of the OP's posting style. And I did offer a possible solution and/or way forward alongside it, which is more than anybody here has done.
The OP did not really provide a lot of information as to why things were not working as intended, but his/her post was instead a stream of consciousness expression of frustration and anger. Ergo, it's not really easy nor simple, for me and anybody else, to identify and provide a solution to his issue. Explaining clearly and concisely the steps you undertook and the issues that you are suffering would naturally help anybody to provide a solution, but let's be realistic, if you don't know what you've done and do not know how to clearly explain your problem, then it's extremely hard for even the most well-meaning individual to assist you. It's like going to a doctor and saying "I'm not feeling to well today, doc" - and expecting him to instantly diagnose you.
I like to say, help me to help you. Have a look at my post history; I really don't mind helping out users who have lost their way and are looking for guidance, in fact I like to think that I actively go out of my way to help out. With all the good will in the world, neither I can I read your mind nor can I access your system and find the problem without the necessary info being provided.
And, OP, if you've really "never been so insulted" in your life, then I suspect you have lived a very sheltered existence indeed
The comment by Tyrion Lannister about your pug profile picture was clearly and obviously meant as tongue-in-cheek. I know humour doesn't translate well in written form as it does in verbal form, but surely it's quite evident.
P.S. I'm a he, not a she, at least the last time I checked
Now, let's make your first post a bit more readable (seriously, just chucking stuff out like a stream of conciousness doesn't help you get what you want, just break things up a bit. Oh, and massive blocks of all caps doesn't help either)
1. Never (ever!) put any custom graphics, or other mods, into the game install folder (the one under your steam folder). The only slight exception to this is the folders you need to remove for the real names fix.
2. Don't try to use data updates or skins from previous versions of FM, as they're very likely to not work, and may cause issues
3. For some reason, SI have hidden the user data folder in the base game preferences screen (you have to change it via steam, instructions are here, but you can still see it in the FM Touch preferences screen). I assume this is what's causing some of your problems.
First of all, uninstall the game, and delete the FM16 folder in steam/steamapps/common. This should give you a totally fresh install, from which you can attempt to add your graphics again.
Secondly, once installed, follow the instructions in the link from earler, and choose a folder that's very easy to locate (call it FM16 Stuff, or something) and place it in the root of your C: drive (so you get C:\FM Stuff), thenstart FM up, this will generate the folder structures needed.
If you're planning to transfer a lot of images from FM15 over, and you want to use the steam workshop once the full game is out, I'd recommend creating a 'my graphics' folder, for all your pre-existing faces and logos, where the graphics folder is located. This will stop the workshop having to scan through everything. which causes a massive slowdown.
Copy your faces, logos and stadium pics over, then reload the skin in FM (untick the skin cache checkbox). You should have everything you need.
Mind you, now I've read this, bloody hell you're over sensitive. Mons didn't insult the way you speak, he merely pointed out that if you made your post a bit easier to read, you are much more likely to get an answer. And I refuse to believe that if you've posted like that, anywhere on the internet, for any length of time, that no-one would have mentioned it.
I think what Mons was saying was just try and make it easier for someone to give you advice and help with what you need. Your post wasnt very easy to read and was a bit of a mess.
And for the person who called Mons comment "disgraceful behaviour"..........a mild comment on someone's post on a football manager site is not disgraceful behaviour im afraid.
Ive always found Mons to be very helpful over at Si Forums with people's issues anyway.
Tyrion Lannister
I find the staff here very helpful and friendly
and I don't see anything wrong with asking to make a post more readable, got to say I saw the post a few days ago but when I took a cursory look and saw one big paragraph with intermittent capitalized words.... I thought it was just a rant