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Ipswich Knights
Ipswich Knights
Tyrion Lannister
Ipswich Knights
Tyrion Lannister
we used to have some very active forums here but it has just become predominately a graphics site now unfortunately. what you will tend to find is that the most chat will be on a graphical level which is a real shame.
what i was thinking as a new sales perk for 'General FM discussion' wise, anyone banned from the 'football manager' site, this is a safe haven!
Tyrion Lannister
i also think that there is far too many sub-forums on this site for people to vent their spleen, staff forums, off topic, etc. but yeah, it is bad that THE best Football Manager website has zero general forum chat compared to the main SI football manager threads...
Ipswich Knights
Ipswich Knights
Tyrion Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
"so banned from the FM website? your opinions deemed too shite? Then join us on sortitousi! no rubbish comment is disregarded or warned unless racist or otherwise-ist."
....yeah im gunna have to work on the slogan...
Ipswich Knights
yeah we will have to feck it lets start posting tactics and discussing teams and careers and the like. maybe some people will join in
We're probably not the only forum (Football Manager related or not) that's pretty much dead due to the influx of social media, I used to be on another forum that had nothing to do with Football Manager which ended up getting closed due to lack of activity.
It's not just social media, people move on with their lives unfortunately. People have families, people end up having full time jobs with awkward shifts that they can't 'dedicate' time to the forum anymore.
Ipswich Knights
As mentioned above social media has taken over, forums just don't appeal to people any more.
Ipswich Knights
The first Championship Manager/Football Manager site I decided to register too back in the day, it's an absolute travesty it's always dead nowadays and would be better just getting shut down.
Anyway, our site is basically the prime resource for Football Manager graphics, it's just that most of the people who come here merely hit and run, at the very most they might make an angry post about how some graphics pack they have downloaded doesn't work.
I've just bought it so you might get some of my top chat, although t's more likely that I'll snap the disc in half after getting sacked a couple of months into my first save. Some things never change.
I think the Stories section is an area which has maintained a steady flow, to be fair.