Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
Maybe he'll get the recognition he deserves once he wins POTY in a title winning season
16 years ago
6 years ago
Fair play to Ozil. Proving the Ozil doubters right.
18 years ago
1 month ago
"If they knew the game they would be in it."

They used to be and some hope to still be, that's the depressing thing.
18 years ago
2 months ago
They used to be and some hope to still be, that's the depressing thing.

Honestly, that's the only reason I used the quote. When it comes to former footballers, if they really knew the game they wouldn't be working as pundits. Clubs would be on their knees begging for someone with Michael Owen's achievements to work for them in some capacity if he actually understood football.
15 years ago
1 week ago
Ozil is playing very well! Really rate him this season! One thing that looked weird was when he came off against City, he looked knackered! Hope it just looked like that and he stays fit!
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
Özil had a chest infection all week
18 years ago
2 years ago
LvG's press conference lasted five minutes, in which he answered two questions, said he had assurances from Woodward, Fergie and Gill and then walked out.

Has anybody in this room not has a feeling that they should apologise to me? Nobody has that feeling? That's what I'm wondering. I think I was already sacked, I've read. My colleague (Jose Mourinho?) was here already. What do you think that happens with my wife? Or with my kids? Or with my grandchildren? Or with the fans of Manchester United? Or my friends? What do you think? They have called me a lot of times and also Arsene Wenger is saying something about it. Do you think that I want to talk with the media now?

I'm here only because of the Premier League rules. I have to talk with you. But I can only see when I say something that you use my words in your context and I want to say only, I have tried to lift the confidence of my players. I have done everything this week. I've held meetings with the players, with members of staff. I held a Christmas lunch. I gave a speech. And I feel the warmth and the support of everybody in Carrington. I didn't feel that (warmth) from the media. I can mention that you can write about that subject, we are not in a good position, but four weeks ago we were first in the Premier League. In about four weeks we can be back in that position.

Not handling the pressure well anymore, usually the stories in the press don't affect him. Tbf it was the club's fault, they should have come out and said something by now.

Despite I think he's taken us as far as he can, I love the guy and feel sorry for him now.
16 years ago
2 years ago
I'm grateful for LVG steadying the ship and all that jazz, but he's definitely made some odd decisions this season and I think it's time to be looking at a replacement, if not immediately then definitely by the end of the season. Not getting out of that Champions League group was the worst thing that could happen to him I think.
18 years ago
2 months ago
LvG's press conference lasted five minutes, in which he answered two questions, said he had assurances from Woodward, Fergie and Gill and then walked out.

Not handling the pressure well anymore, usually the stories in the press don't affect him. Tbf it was the club's fault, they should have come out and said something by now.

Despite I think he's taken us as far as he can, I love the guy and feel sorry for him now.

Van Gaal hates the press and has done so for his entire career. I wouldn't read anything into his comments.
15 years ago
7 years ago
Van Gaal hates the press and has done so for his entire career. I wouldn't read anything into his comments.

He looked on the verge of tears and was demanding an apology for stuff that was never said.

There's hating the press, and there's giving them undeniable proof that they've rattled you, this was the later.

Dunno, if he's come out fighting been a bit arrogant and given back to them then good on him, this just was a bit Benitez like.
18 years ago
2 years ago
He looked quite teary eyed when he mentioned his wife, kids etc. and overall looked pretty dejected. I'm glad he has some fight in him, and it's made me want to back him even more. I would love him to turn it around, but sadly I can't see it.

The media were pretty dickish in the aftermath, which is probably why he didn't answer their questions. According to them he was 'ranting' and 'stormed out' of his press conference.
15 years ago
7 years ago
Fucking hell the Sun back page is so classless.
14 years ago
18 hours ago
Louis van Gaal demands an apology — so here is a list of what SunSport is sorry for

— We are sorry you've not won in six
— We are sorry you’ve gone from 1st to 5th
— We are sorry you went out of the Champions League
— We are sorry you’ve bored fans to tears
— We are sorry you’ve spent £250m doing it
13 years ago
1 year ago
No real sympathy for LVG he's created a lot of his own problems himself. Doubt he'll see out the season, though I hope he does, and beyond.
18 years ago
1 month ago
Media are ruthless if you're not doing your job properly, always have been with literally everyone except Ferguson.

LVG is no different.
18 years ago
2 years ago
The Sun not liking him makes me like him even more.

EDIT: I've just realised the article was written by 'Apollo Gees'. Jesus christ.

LvG was right though, the media were saying he was pretty much sacked and they were wrong - The Sun were wrong in a big way. He said they were wrong, put them right, and now they're reporting it as if he's lost the plot. Although as people have said they do that all the time to managers under pressure, he's clearly got wound up by it.
Eric Portapotty
15 years ago
1 month ago

He looked pretty much a broken man, but I definitely applaud him coming out fighting.

And seriously the media has got to be the biggest cancer in English football.
18 years ago
3 days ago
And seriously the media has got to be the biggest cancer in English football.

Umm are they not just in general?
15 years ago
7 years ago
No real sympathy for LVG he's created a lot of his own problems himself. Doubt he'll see out the season, though I hope he does, and beyond.

Well obviously, but theres a difference between saying that and gleefully reporting he has been sacked and that Mourinho is coming in and then gleefully 'apologising' like the Sun did.

I have sympathy for the journos working for proper papers here, because to a man they reported the 'two games to save his job' story and have been lumped in with the shit like the Sun.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Leicester are 3/1 to beat us. Cracking price
13 years ago
1 year ago
Well obviously, but theres a difference between saying that and gleefully reporting he has been sacked and that Mourinho is coming in and then gleefully 'apologising' like the Sun did.

I have sympathy for the journos working for proper papers here, because to a man they reported the 'two games to save his job' story and have been lumped in with the shit like the Sun.

I was just being general re his time at Utd as a whole and the performances he's managed. Wasn't so much about the press situation. Everyone knows how the media in England works, they get a sniff and they'll ruthlessly take advantage of it irrespective of the credibility attached.
18 years ago
2 years ago
Rooney dropped. It's a Christmas miracle!

De Gea, Young, Smalling, Jones, Blind, Carrick, Herrera, Mata, Fellaini, Memphis, Martial
Romero, Borthwick-Jackson, McNair, Varela, Pereira, Schneiderlin, Rooney.
15 years ago
7 years ago
Oh my fucking God, Rooney's actually been dropped.

It's a christmas miracle.
18 years ago
2 years ago
14 years ago
18 hours ago
Rooney dropped. It's a Christmas miracle!

14 years ago
18 hours ago
15 years ago
7 years ago
We've been, unsurprisingly, absolute dogshite.
18 years ago
2 years ago
Memphis goddamn.

Long time coming. We've been worse than normal.
15 years ago
1 month ago
what a clusterfuck that was - and now to make up for it he'll probably try and overdo everything, just run into Stoke defenders all afternoon solidifying his status as Nani 2.0
15 years ago
7 years ago
Solidifying his status as a player that he plays absolutely nothing like, and was a good player for us?

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