18 years ago
19 hours ago
You may have noticed that the site is now asking for permission to send you notifications.

At the moment the site isn't set up to send any notifications, but in the coming weeks it will be and you will have complete control over which notifications you receive.

This will include:
- When people tag you in a message
- When people quote you
- When you get a private message
- When content you have subscribed to is updated
- When there is a new comment on something you've subscribed to
- When new megapacks are released

You will be able to choose exactly what notifications you get or turn off this feature all together.

One of the main benefits of this is that you can be notified even when you're not on the site, even on your phone (if you're using the Chrome Browser).

Notifications will only work on the following browsers/devices:

Dekstop Chrome 42+
Android Chrome 42+
Desktop Firefox 44+
Safari 7.1+ (Mac Only)
18 years ago
11 hours ago
Great stuff - although I do envisage your notification pop-up working overtime (and mine too )
17 years ago
1 week ago
That looks well nice. Well done chaps
16 years ago
4 months ago
17 years ago
2 weeks ago
I wondered where these had started to come from, although I've not seen any until this afternoon.

Related; I had a pop-up earlier letting me know I had been tagged in a thread by Mons that I presume is in a hidden forum, 'Staff Daily Tasks' (or something similar). Ignoring the fact that I can't imagine why I would have been tagged in such a thing (I don't post here or upload content) I assume users shouldn't be getting notifications from forums that they don't have access to. The pop-up linked me to a 'Page Not Found' error.

I'm willing to accept that this is down to the beta version of Firefox I use, but it's probably something that you might want to look into regardless.
16 years ago
2 weeks ago
Ah, not just me then!
18 years ago
19 hours ago
Apologies for the earlier accidental notifications, working on getting this working this evening
Charlotte Ward
8 years ago
8 years ago
Apologies for the earlier accidental notifications, working on getting this working this evening

how do i check if i have notifications enabled, as i dont seem to be getting any?
Gerald Hughes
8 years ago
7 months ago
Apologies for the earlier accidental notifications, working on getting this working this evening

sorry Rob nothing to do regarding this post but just wanted to let you know i have pm you regarding a subscription issue i'm having.
13 years ago
4 weeks ago
how do i check if i have notifications enabled, as i dont seem to be getting any?

You'll only get one if someone quotes your post or tags you, so you should get one now from me.
18 years ago
19 hours ago
I'll be working on the notifications at some point this week, everything should be running more smoothly after that

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