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Seems to close to call, most polls seem to come out with at most a 4% swing either way that I've seen. Will be interesting!
As articulate an argument as offered by any of our MPs.
King Luis
Glad when it will be all over. For the record, Remain will win, simply because people are too scared of change.
King Luis
It should be dominating the news because its the most important vote were likely to see in our lifetime.
*we are.
You think I don't know of the importance? It's just become sniping and baiting over the last few days/weeks due to current events and I'm sick of it. Added to the fact that the Leave campaign is just based on lies, it presents a one-sided argument which can only end in a Remain victory.
King Luis
Its easy to say that and i hope your right but its not going to be a clear cut thing ultimately, just hope enough young voters come out because as it stands its looking like we will vote to leave, even if it is based on a lot of lies its only a lie if people seek out the truth and many people voting leave seem to just take what they read in the papers or in these leaflets as fact without actually finding out the truth.
You could base quite a lot of the UK population's thought processes on the bolded part..... #controversial.
King Luis
I literally just saw someone on FB post this photo
Trouble with being from an Army background, growing up with other Army kids is that alot of them are either thick as shit or see us leaving the EU as making Britain better.
Where as the 'died for the vote' think came from. Britain has never fought a foreign war 'for the vote' - Who are we honoring the Suffragette's? Victims of Peterloo?
One Night In Grimsby
Number 1
I'm voting Remain - Leave lost me weeks ago.
King Luis
I think remain will take most of the big cities, with leaves votes being mostly rural. I've seen loads of leave signs on farms around here, fuck knows why as farmers receive generous EU subsidies
Thats far enough I can see why you would like to vote for democracy and protecting our unelected monarch that the EU wish to abolish.
C'mon mate that was bad - are you really suggesting that the UK isn't a democracy?
Also in fairness the monarchy is elected, we generally kick out Monarchs we don't like. Everyone knows that the Queen won't die until after Charles as quite frankly it is the will of the Great British public.
I think the Lords Spiritual in the House of Lords say the Lords prayer in her honour 36 times a day in order to ward off the evil spirits that would see Charles replace Lizzy.
Also have Austria ever apologised for turning heel on us during the Crusades? How can we trust them? We'll send David the Lionheart over there and the next thing we know he's held captive in a dungeon and there threatening to sell him to Korea.
Serious point, does the US not sort of creep you out with how venerated the office of President is like every President is seen as stoic, father figure. I find that weird, like the American ignoring Watergate because they couldn't believe a President could act without honour, much prefer the absurdity of Monarchy. At least in our system you're sort of encouraged to think the Prime Minister is a complete dick.
This referendum will become a textbook example of why referendums are a terrible idea in the future.
Number 1
Are you suggesting that it is?
Yeah. Scotland's was a bit of a shitshow all round but this is next level.
I've heard Sinn Fein suggesting that they might push for a referendum on leaving the UK and rejoining the Republic of Ireland. Bet that will only go well.
One Night In Grimsby
Isn't the £350m insignificant when you take into account the rebate, jobs, and the overall money that the EU brings the UK? Or at least that was what I thought the counter to that argument was.
I'm under the assumption that Shola knows that and is trolling though.
Not only is the £350m a complete nonsense (its the gross figure not including our rebate which brings the figure down to ~£190m ish) but theres also a variety of other reasons why its utter bullshit in order:
1. The value of the EU to our economy vastly outweighs the cost. Even ignoring most sensible economic arguments the value of inward investment from EU countries to the UK is about £50bn a year. That utterly dwarfs the cost of membership (and theres good reason to believe that £50bn vastly underestimates the influence the EU has).
2. If we vote to Leave the pound will take an utter battering, institutions that use London as a anglophone point of entry into the EU will leave (why would they stay?) and people will lose their jobs. Perhaps we could ride it out and come out the other side, but when Leave have offered literally no argument whatsoever for why on earth we would want to do that then, well, why on earth would we want to do that?
3. Leave's argument has been that we'd sign a trade deal with the EU to access the single market. To do that we'd have to pay a fee (Norway pays £245m a year gross although I'm not sure if the receive a rebate) so to do that we'd end up paying more, or at the very least not saving much, for less. We'd be beholden to the EU's rules (especially the 'nonsense' ones like bendy bananas that literally don't exist), and more than likely have to except freedom of movement as a condition - at the very least, both Switzerland and Norway were forced to accept that.
I know Remain gets branded as 'scaremongers' because Leave can't engage with their concerns, but they're right. The prospect of waking up tomorrow out of the EU is fucking terrifying.