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Marcus Brito
I've been unemployed for up to two completed seasons before, all depends.on what leagues and our reputation you have loaded.
Marcus Brito
Wow looks like I have a while to go. Hopefully something takes a chance on me soon as I am anxious to test my abilities.
What leagues have you loaded up and what is you reputation?
Marcus Brito
I've loaded up 5 leagues (England, France, Germany, Italy, Scotland). As for reputation I will have to get back to you on that.
Marcus Brito
My reputation is very low. Not sure how considering I haven't had the chance to build one. I had the longest interview last night with Gateshead in the National League of English Football. It's the lonest interview I've had thus far so my hope is that it went well and I can start to gain some experience.
How does the reputation aspect work and how do you avoid it being so low from the beginning?
Your reputation depends on how you assign the level of playing experience to your manager when you are creating him. The higher you have played, the better your initial reputation. This also affects how "seriously" you are taken by higher reputation players. It is effectively, the game's difficulty level.
Consider your real-life self taking over a semi-professional non-league side. You may consider it a doddle, but even semi-pro football is a good level and unless you get results and/or impress the players quickly, you will very rapidly lose all credibility.
Marcus Brito
This is excellent advice.
Can this be changed upon start of your managerial career or will I have to start over to boost the reputation?
Will my reputation go up over time as I do things while hired by a club?
You cant change this in game, only once you have a job you can ask to go on courses to get your relevant coaching badges. This will bring your reputation up over time.
To add to this, the better you do, the more your reputation improves, naturally.
Marcus Brito
Excellent. Good to know.
At least I can work on it while managing.