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Have created custom facepack config files for years without ever having any problems, but have just created one for the first time on a Mac and the files aren't loading. Would be great if someone could take a glance at the attached file and give me a second opinion to see if I've done anything obvious here that's causing these images to not load up. The images themselves are in the .png format, and the file names seem to match.
Thank you for any answers you can provide!
Here's an updated config attached.
Use TextWrangler to write your config file on Mac, i moved all my files from windows and if you try to edit them for some reason the game wont recognise them and textwrangler is the only thing i found that would open and edit the file and still make it readable.
Thanks very much for that suggestion: I tried it with TextWrangler (even writing a totally fresh file) but still no success! I'm at giving-up point on this. The strange thing is that all of the graphics files I've brought across from Windows work fine; it's just when I try to edit anything on the Mac that it instantly becomes unreadable.
Strange, I had the exact same problem but TextWrangler solved it for me. Have you selected as the default program? other than that I've no idea