Stuart Glyn Davies
7 years ago
6 years ago
I have paid twice for premium membership as the first time I set up premium it didn't show when I logged in. could this be refunded?


Stuart Davies
14 years ago
6 hours ago
10 years ago
4 months ago
I was just charged a second time for a premium membership.
Once on January 10, 2018 and then again this morning January 18, 2018.

Should I issue a refund request via paypal or will support issue the refund for me?
18 years ago
59 minutes ago
John Nicolette
7 years ago
3 months ago
I can't even pay for a membership as they are requiring paypal rather than just letting me use my card, and paypal won't confirm me since I have the same email account but changed phone numbers years ago. And as far as I can see I don't see any way to contact the admins of this site other than to post public comments. I tried downloading packs via third party and immediately they were blocked by Norton which make me suspicious. I'd love to help out and pay my share, but if it is going to be this hard forget it. I've paid paypal items by using my card as a guest for many other things over the years.
18 years ago
1 hour ago
I can't even pay for a membership as they are requiring paypal rather than just letting me use my card, and paypal won't confirm me since I have the same email account but changed phone numbers years ago. And as far as I can see I don't see any way to contact the admins of this site other than to post public comments. I tried downloading packs via third party and immediately they were blocked by Norton which make me suspicious. I'd love to help out and pay my share, but if it is going to be this hard forget it. I've paid paypal items by using my card as a guest for many other things over the years.

Hey unfortunately we only use PayPal right now (we had issues accepting credit cards previously) any issues you have with PayPal will need to be fixed with them. I don't fully understand the issue with the phone numbers but it should be resolvable through PayPal support
18 years ago
1 hour ago
I was just charged a second time for a premium membership.
Once on January 10, 2018 and then again this morning January 18, 2018.

Should I issue a refund request via paypal or will support issue the refund for me?

Hey it seems like you have two accounts Dudical and DudicalDude and active memberships on both. Would you like me to refund the DudicalDude one?
10 years ago
4 months ago
Hey it seems like you have two accounts Dudical and DudicalDude and active memberships on both. Would you like me to refund the DudicalDude one?

Ok, gotya.
Sorry for the confusion.
Yes, please refund and discontinue the account for DudicalDude.
John Nicolette
7 years ago
3 months ago
Hey unfortunately we only use PayPal right now (we had issues accepting credit cards previously) any issues you have with PayPal will need to be fixed with them. I don't fully understand the issue with the phone numbers but it should be resolvable through PayPal support

Thanks. I finally got the issue resolved with paypal. took multiple attempts. Apparently they think you only keep one phone number over a decade long period, which was the only way they were verifying who I am. Anyway, downloading various files now. Thanks again

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