Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive over 480,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 489,095
- 2025.03 - Released on 11 Feb 2025

I've deleted them in my folder, and therefore they don't affect the config file at all. Sadly, due to the way the megapack is structured, there's no way I can delete them at this point. Additionally, and for obvious reasons, I cannot delete files from other users' megapacks
Download this file
I'm afraid it doesn't work like that. Packs/versions aren't realised or categorised according to the country or region they are based in. It's take it all or leave it all...
This is based on "our" megapack.
Noted, and I'll correct it in 9.07, but it makes no difference in terms of the game since the config entry is correct (i.e. with space included) and I believe that he should be visible in the game
FM Bard
I have a couple of queries, in relation to 10.06, for some reason I decided to flick through the images this time rather than just adding them straight to the directory. I notice some of the faces are very low quality, in fact some are so blurred the true identity could not possibly be known? Also, the sizes are all over the place, I assume the game resizes them and there is no longer a requirement to submit at 180x180?
When playing the game if I sign someone whose face isn't in the pack I cut-it, can someone point me in the direction of where I can submit mine for inclusion, be good to give back.
Not criticism, just queries.
Hi there.
Any particular poor-quality cuts in mind? At a quick glance, I can't see anything which leaps out as unsuitable, but I'd be happy to be corrected
Re sizes, in view of the discussion in this thread and mostly in view of the increasing availability of higher-quality sources when compared to the start of this pack 10 years ago, a decision was taken by the community to provide cuts in both 180x180 and 250x250, dependent on the quality of the source image. This will not affect the general user of this pack much since the default skin automatically resizes cuts to fit them into each respective screen. However, this allows us to start building a base of larger size images in case SI change things around. In fact SI's default cutouts are 250x250 in size, which led some of us to speculate there might be changes in the offing. Additionally, I believe a number of skins have a larger display area than the default skin and can display the larger cuts in their full glory.
Finally, if you want our cutting community to cut any source you may find, you can use our request forum. Every completed missing image is included in the next update pack (unless it is extremely poor) while every improvement is compared with the existing megapack image to see whether it is actually an improvement.
Hope this helps
FM Bard
Hi mons,
Thanks for the info on the sizing, I get that now.
I understand that some people would prefer an image over no image at all but I've just scanned it quickly again and the following look out of place to me.
There's quite a lot around that particular batch that are unidentifiable, some don't even look human.....
Crikey, those look like a baddie out of a low-budget 1990's videogame! You're right, although there's a couple of them which are borderline passable tbf.
I've spoken to their author over PM and hopefully he manages to find better sources and improve on them in the near future
For those who have downloaded the 10.05 and 10.06 update packs already, you can just download this file to replace only the icons with this issue. Just place the images in the icons folder, overwriting the existing ones when prompted
Noted and will be changed for the next update pack. Good spot
Gotcha. Just in time
Please set this image
Am I right in saying that the second cut in the bottom line should be for 57119515 then (instead of 57044762 as you wrote)?
This is just too late for 10.07 as I've already uploaded the files. However somebody had mentioned the 57044762 issue earlier and that one is at least corrected in 10.07
Yes, you're right. Sorry, my mistake.
No worries, I just wanted to be sure I inserted the cut with right UID
It contains 3,461 new or improved images to take the total MP head count to 203,276. Thanks go, yet again, to our small but proficient and dedicated band of cutters who make such good work of the many requesters' sources
I just want to say a big thankyou to you and all the cutters for the Scottish face improvements in .07. I can only imagine how long the tidy up took! Superb job.
Thanks to you as well for all the Scottish and Welsh faces put forward; must have been something over 900 cuts
I don't want to have to do any more cleaning for the foreseeable though
Oaft! Well, if nothing else, know your efforts made this man very happy! And it was no bother, glad I could help in some small way and I still had the easy job!
And you don't mean that, there's the England lower leagues to go through now...
Jogo Bonito
Mons, if I have a club web page that contains links of decent images to a whole range of youth players that are in the game, how can that be made in to a team pack request? The link is below if this makes it easier for anyone. Sorry I don't know how to do team pack requests properly
You can make a request in this thread and I will add it to the list.
I've saved this one.
For future reference, our request forum also allows uploading cuts which have not been requested